International Fund for Africa Works for New Animal Welfare Laws in Ethiopia
An Animal Rights Article from

From International Fund for Africa (IFA)
August 2013

For the past few years, IFA has worked in numerous ways to protect animals in Ethiopia. Our spay/neuter and vaccination program for dogs, efforts to promote veganism, conference presentations, and continuous presence in the country have all contributed to the well-being of many domesticated animals.

In order to truly transform the standard treatment of domesticated animals in Ethiopia and other African countries, these actions must be met with real legislative changes. To ensure that our work makes the greatest impact possible, IFA is teaming up with other animal protection organizations in Ethiopia to formulate new animal welfare laws for the country.

This collaborative group, known as the Animal Welfare Working Group, is headed by the Ministry of Agriculture and will propose laws to be approved by the Ethiopian Parliament. By working together to enact legislation that will hold owners legally responsible for the care and protection of their animals, we can permanently create better lives for our fellow companions.

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