People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA)
July 2013
In a landmark victory for animals in laboratories, India has announced that it will implement a ban on using animals to test cosmetics!
After an extensive campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India—which included appeals from high-profile politicians and multinational retailers such as LUSH and The Body Shop as well as lengthy discussions with PETA India's scientists—the drug controller general of India announced today that testing cosmetics and their ingredients on animals will not be permitted in India. The announcement was made during a meeting of the Bureau of Indian Standards' Cosmetics Sectional Committee, of which PETA India's science policy adviser, Dr. Chaitanya Koduri, is a member. Earlier in the week, Dr. Koduri had held a private meeting with India's drug controller general urging him to implement the ban.
This announcement comes on the heels of recently enacted bans on cosmetics testing on animals in the European Union and in Israel.
This victory marks an important milestone in the fight to end animal testing worldwide, and PETA is working hard to urge other countries—including the U.S.—to follow in the footsteps of the EU, Israel, and India by adopting a ban on animal tests for cosmetics as well as personal-care and household products. There are still millions of animals suffering in laboratories around the world who need your help! Although more than 1,300 companies have banned cruel tests on animals in favor of reliable and modern non-animal tests, some companies still subject animals to painful tests in which substances are dripped into their eyes, smeared onto their abraded skin, sprayed in their faces, or forced down their throats.
We urge you to support the compassionate, cruelty-free companies that have pledged never to harm any animals for their products by using PETA's brand-new global Cruelty-Free Shopping Guide every time you shop! Order a free copy or use PETA's Beauty Without Bunnies online database to find wonderful cruelty-free products for all your needs.
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