Physicians Committee
August 2015
Hot on the heels of our recent Hartford Hospital win, I am very excited
to share with you two more victories that your support helped make possible!
We recently received confirmation that the University of Texas Medical
Branch (UTMB) in Galveston and the University of Utah have ended the use of
animals in medical training programs! Not only are these great wins for the
animals used to teach emergency procedures—but also for doctors and their
patients who will benefit from modern, human-based training methods.
Last week, the director of the UTMB Advanced Trauma Life Support program
notified us that the medical school has ended the use of goats and switched
to medical simulation devices! In addition to this victory, the University
of Utah has terminated its use of kittens and rabbits to teach emergency
procedures to pediatricians, other physicians, nurses, and respiratory
These are remarkable and hard-fought victories, and we couldn't have done it
without you.
But there is still more work to be done. Please help us end the use of
animals in all pediatrics residency programs! See
Ask Laval University to End the Use of Piglets in its Pediatrics Residency Program.
Today, the only two facilities in the United States and Canada that continue
using animals for pediatrics residency training are Laval University in
Quebec City, Canada, and Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. These
programs use live animals—including cats—to teach invasive procedural
Meanwhile, 99 percent of the 217 surveyed facilities use only nonanimal
methods for teaching pediatrics residents. And earlier this year, the U.S.
Department of Defense ended the use of animals in its pediatrics residency
programs in favor of modern medical simulation. In light of these facts, it
could not be clearer that the current standard for training pediatricians
does not involve the use of animals.
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