Physicians Committee (PCRM)
November 2015
The program is called the Quantitative Structure Active Relationship (QSAR) Toolbox, and it has the potential to save thousands, if not millions, of animals from suffering and death. The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) has arranged for PCRM to train 15 regulators on the Toolbox in February 2016.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has contributed to the development of a software program that allows scientists to predict the toxic effects of chemicals without testing on animals. The next step is to train scientists in how to use it. And we need your help to make that happen.
The program is called the Quantitative Structure Active Relationship (QSAR) Toolbox, and it has the potential to save thousands, if not millions, of animals from suffering and death. The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) has arranged for PCRM to train 15 regulators on the Toolbox in February 2016.
As a result of this training, CalEPA will be able to rely upon nontesting approaches such as the QSAR Toolbox as standard practice, instead of requesting pesticide manufacturers to conduct additional animal tests. Adequate training in nonanimal testing approaches has been identified as a serious barrier to their uptake. Because California is a trendsetter in pesticide regulations, this shift will have a national impact.
I am reaching out to you today, because CalEPA has now asked to double the number of participants for this training – a very exciting development that will accelerate the benefits of the Toolbox – better testing and more animals spared! However, to fulfill the agency's request and train 15 more regulators, we need to raise $15,000 to cover the additional training expenses.
Please help us raise $15,000 by Nov. 15 so we can take advantage of this critical opportunity to double our impact and help end the poisoning of animals in pesticide toxicity tests. If we exceed this goal, the additional funds will be earmarked for future training requests by CalEPA, the U.S. EPA, or other government agencies.
Thank you for bringing us one step closer to ending animal experiments once and for all.
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