Karen Davis, PhD, President,
United Poultry Concerns
September 2016
Each week, a thousand truckloads of dead birds and byproducts from poultry slaughter plants, hatcheries and factory farms lumber to the Hanceville, Alabama plant to be converted into two feed grades: “pet-food-grade poultry meals and fat” in one plant, “feed-grade poultry meal, hydrolyzed meal, and fat for the livestock industries” in the other.
Pet food packaging and advertising are designed to attract consumers –
people who buy food for their dogs and cats. Purina and other brands market
their products to buyers: “Chicken is your favorite food and your dog and
cat’s favorite too.”
Recently the promoters of Evolution Pet Food, “Premium Vegan Pet Foods since
1989,” urged me to “start telling people that baby male chicks and spent
layer hens are being ground up alive by the millions every day for pet
foods. They are the ‘chicken’ in pet foods throughout the U.S. and Canada.”
Evolution’s plea came in June this year when a press release announced
that “The Humane League convinces America’s largest representative of egg
producers to take a historic stance on ending the practice of shredding
newborn male chicks.” (2)
In May, a proposed ban on chick shredding by German egg producers was voted
down by the German Parliament in favor of a voluntary agreement by egg
producers to end the practice. The vote was upheld by a court decision
noting that chick shredding is “part of the process for providing the
population with eggs and meat.” (3) In other words, people’s consumption of
poultry and eggs involves the mass destruction of newborn chicks and chick
embryos as byproducts of their eating habits.
Hundreds of millions of male chicks, surplus and slow-hatching female
chicks and unwanted baby turkeys are ground up alive – shredded, macerated
by machinery – in the United States each year. Machines separate the female
chicks bound for commercial egg production from the male chicks and
unhatched embryos. The male chicks and embryos go to a waste removal system
for transport to a rendering facility. Other chicks are fed alive to
reptiles and raptors in zoos. (4)
Other byproducts trucked to rendering facilities include slaughterhouse
blood, feathers, heads, feet, viscera, preen glands and dead birds too
diseased to disguise even as sausages. All this, plus the “hatchery waste”
in which newborn chicks and sentient embryos are comprised, gets turned into
farmed animal feed and pet food.
American Proteins, Inc.
– “The international resource for processing allied poultry products.”
The rendering company American Proteins, in Georgia and Alabama, describes
itself as “the largest poultry protein and lipids conversion operation in
the world, annually producing more than 750,000 tons of pet food and feed
grade poultry protein meal and pet food and feed grade poultry fat and
feather meal.” (5)
Each week, a thousand truckloads of dead birds and byproducts from poultry
slaughter plants, hatcheries and factory farms lumber to the Hanceville,
Alabama plant to be converted into two feed grades: “pet-food-grade poultry
meals and fat” in one plant, “feed-grade poultry meal, hydrolyzed meal, and
fat for the livestock industries” in the other. (6)
Chick Shredding
While millions of chicks are suffocated to death in plastic-lined garbage cans, shredding machines, known as macerators, have become the preferred method of destroying unwanted baby turkeys (poults) and chicks as soon as they hatch. “Inside a Turkey Hatchery,” by Compassion Over Killing, shows turkey poults being dumped into “the same disposal system as the discarded eggshells they were separated from earlier.” The advantage of live chick shredding according to Poultry World is that “The killing device is simple and affordable and the chicks stay unimpaired, so they can be sold to the pet-food industry especially for cat food.” (7)
Spent Hen “Chipping” Disposal
Baby chicks and chick embryos are not the only ones shredded. Along with
gassing and slaughtering, woodchipper-like machinery is used to destroy
unwanted egg-industry hens, though at this writing I can’t say to what
extent the method is employed by U.S. egg producers.
Some readers may recall that in 2003, workers at the Ward Egg Ranch in San
Diego, California were caught throwing 30,000 live hens into woodchippers,
in which a piece of wood is “fed into a chipper’s funnel-shaped opening, and
the blades on a rapidly spinning disk or drum cut it into small pieces.”
The disclosure, which United Poultry Concerns publicized through a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the San Diego County Department
of Animal Services, revealed that cramming live hens into woodchippers was
not an isolated practice. (8) A government document included in the FOIA
file advises egg producers that “whole birds can be composted on site” and
that “grinding birds first aids composting considerably.” A veterinarian
told the San Diego County Department of Animal Services that the woodchipper
is “quick, it's painless, and it's over in seconds.” Canadian farmed animal
investigator Twyla Francois said wood-chipping-like macerators are commonly
used to destroy spent hens in Canada. (9)
A Canadian publication in 2003 listed on-farm methods of hen disposal to
include mobile electrocution units, carbon dioxide gassing, neck-breaking,
and macerators. Researchers at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College were
reported experimenting with macerators to convert spent hens into feed for
the fur farm industry, vacuuming the live hens down a tube to the grinder.
In-Ovo Chick Sexing Technology
Public opposition to male chick disposal by the egg industry – male
chicks being useless to egg producers since roosters don’t lay eggs – has
prompted a technology that sorts the male chicks from the female chicks
inside the egg. An article in World Poultry in May 2016 says the technology
could potentially “remove the routine hatchery practice of killing day-old
male chicks, which is increasingly arousing protests among consumer groups.”
One technology uses “a laser beam to cut a small, circular hole at the top
of the egg” to identify the embryo’s sex based on its DNA content. An egg
with a female chick inside is patched and returned to the incubator, while
an egg with a male chick inside goes to waste removal. The technique is said
to be 95% accurate with a target goal of 100,000 eggs per machine per day,
3,000 to 5,000 eggs per hour.
Industry Support
Egg industry officials support embryonic chick sexing. It isn’t just public
opinion. Financially, they say that “only having to incubate 50% of the eggs
from day 9 till 21, will have a significant effect on any hatchery cost
structure.” (12) A poultry advisor in the UK predicts commercial
availability of the technology within a year and anticipates its ready
adoption by egg producers. The U.S. trade association United Egg Producers
says replacing live chick disposal with in-ovo technology could happen by
2020 if it is “economically feasible.” (13)
Is In-Ovo Chick Sexing and Disposal Humane?
“The nervous system originates during the 21st hour of incubation,
followed by origination of the head and the eyes.”
–– Bell and Weaver (14)
The operation if successful will be less cruel than current practices.
Billions of birds with no future will die in 10 days instead of 3 weeks.
They will not struggle out of their shells only to go into a garbage can or
a shredder. They will avoid the brutal handling of hatchery employees.
At the same time, we must understand that a chick embryo’s nervous system
starts developing within the first 24 hours of incubation. During the first
2 days, the embryo is described in industry literature as “very sensitive.”
(15) By the 9th day, when the chick sexing machinery starts separating the
unwanted embryos for removal to the renderer, the embryo is visibly a baby
bird with eyes and a face inside the egg. The ethical advantage of in-ovo
chick sexing is that an unwanted life doomed to suffer and be killed at
birth is shortened by several days, and birth is avoided.
What Can I Do?
As well as being vegan ourselves and getting others to join us, please
explore vegan pet food options. We encourage everyone to learn all they can
when considering these options. Discuss the diet with your veterinarian and
learn more about vegan pet food products and nutrition from:
Evolution Pet Foods Shop
1081 Highway 36 East
Maplewood, MN 55109
(800) 659-0104
San Francisco, CA
(888) 280-8364
Vegan Essentials
Companion Animal Products
(866) 888-3426
1. Lynn Weisman, President, Evolution Pet Food. Email to Karen Davis, June
27, 2016.
2. The Humane League, “United Egg Producers Announces Elimination of Chick
Culling by 2020,” June 9, 2016.
3. Donny Moss, “Germany’s Decision to Affirm Legality of Male Chick
Shredding Shines Global Spotlight on Practice.” Their Turn, June 10, 2016.
4. Tony McDougal, “Commercial Poultry Embryo Sexing a Step Closer.” World
Poultry, May 13, 2016.
5. American Proteins, Inc.
6. “American Proteins: Water is By-Product.” WATT Poultry USA, April 2003,
pp. 38, 40.
7. A.R. Gerrits, “Method of Killing Day-Old Chicks Still Under Discussion.”
World Poultry, 11.9, 1995, p. 28.
8. “Emperor of the World.” Poultry Press (publication of United Poultry
Concerns) Winter 2003.
9. Twyla Francois (Canada Head Inspector for Animals’ Angels). Email to
Karen Davis, December 7, 2006.
10. “Spent Hen Disposal Across Canada.” Livestock Welfare Insights Issue 4
(publication of Alberta Farm Animal Care) June 2003.
11. Tony McDougal, “Commercial Poultry Embryo Sexing a Step Closer.” World
Poultry, May 13, 2016.
12. Fabian Brockotter, “Incredible Technological Advance.” World Poultry,
July 29, 2016.
13. The Humane League, “United Egg Producers Announces Elimination of Chick
Culling by 2020,” June 9, 2016.
14. Donald D. Bell, and William D. Weaver, Jr., eds. Chicken Meat and Egg
Production, 5th edition. Norwell, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
15. “Embryonic Development” (print copy). Ceva Pharmaceuticals.
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