Big Cat Rescue Frees Male Serval from Birdcage in Basement
An Animal Rights Article from


Big Cat Rescue
November 2011

[Ed. Note: On a related note: Zanesville Massacre Sparks Change in Legislation to Protect Wild Animals.]

When a caller asked Big Cat Rescue to relieve him and his wife of the serval they had kept in a bird cage in their basement, we were full after just rescuing 3 tigers from a large sanctuary in Texas that went bankrupt.

The serval was a three-year-old, intact, declawed male the couple had purchased. The wife was the only who could get near the cat and "he wasn't fun any more now that he was an adult."

Thankfully, Christine Janks of Carson Springs Wildlife Foundation had a 20 x 60 foot enclosure available and was willing to take on another exotic cat, which would be a huge commitment to feed and care for throughout the next 15 years of his life expectancy. Christine had also recently taken in 3 tigers from the now defunct wild animal sanctuary in Texas.

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