United Poultry
Concerns (UPC)
February 2017
"Cage-free" hens...
When National TV Investigative Correspondent Jace Larson contacted United Poultry Concerns in November 2016 about doing an inside story about “cage-free eggs,” we put him in touch with Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) who made it happen. Jace Larson’s coverage is now playing on TV stations across the nation. Watch here.
DxE shout out to United Poultry Concerns for sharing that
contact with us:
Want to give a BIG shout out to Karen Davis, founder of United Poultry
Concerns. Not only did Karen put us initially in touch with the national
investigatory correspondent who did the recent piece on cage-free eggs --
now seen by millions of Americans -- but the work she's done for DECADES has
set up groups like DxE to have a political and moral framework for assessing
industry efforts to market their products as "humane."
Best of all for those of you who are local, Karen will be speaking at the
Berkeley Animal Rights Center in just a few weeks! Karen is a fount of
wisdom about the animal rights movement's history, perhaps the first person
to appreciate that the movement had a big gap in advocating for birds, and
will be taking questions about her work (and the movement's history) at this
incredible talk.
– Wayne Hsiung, Organizer, DxE
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