July 2015
Please watch SHARK's video: Rodeo People Love Animals??? and for more about rodeo cruelties, visit SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness)
This young calf was one of many brutalized at the 2015 Sussex Christian
School Rodeo. Thankfully there won't be a 2016 rodeo!
On the weekend of May 16 and 17, SHARK went undercover at two rodeos in New Jersey. The first rodeo was held in North Jersey as a fundraiser for the Sussex Christian School.
We released a video exposing the cruelty and asked the school to no
longer associate with rodeos.
On June 29th, 2015, we received an email from the school that said they will
not host the rodeo next year. This was great news and we applaud the Sussex
Christian School for choosing not to hold another cruel fundraiser!
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