Foxycology - The Truth About Foxes
An Animal Rights Article from


League Against Cruel Sports
September 2015


No other native British mammal divides opinion as deeply as the red fox. To many, they are beautiful and adaptable animals who provide a connection to the fast disappearing natural world.

Sadly, those who want to persecute foxes for fun or fortune tell a different story. They often demonise foxes and exaggerate their impact on ecosystems and livelihoods.

We believe the evidence does not support the vilification of this iconic British species and that a better understanding of fox ecology and behaviour can help people co-exist peacefully with them.


Foxycology is dedicated to challenging the misconceptions and myths surrounding foxes and promoting tolerance and understanding of this essential native species.

Top Ten Foxycology Facts

  • Foxes often form a pair that lasts for life
  • Foxes use 28 different vocal calls to communicate
  • Foxes don't waste food, or 'kill for fun'. If they find or kill more than they can eat, they will attempt to take it away and store it. This is similar behaviour to other carnivores.
  • Foxes belong to the dog (Canidae) family and use similar facial expressions and body postures to pet dogs, such as wagging their tails when greeting family members
  • On average, foxes are only a little larger than pet cats
  • Rural fox numbers have remained around 225,000 for the last ten years. Their numbers have not increased since the Hunting Ban was introduced
  • By feeding on rabbits, rural foxes save British crop farmers around £7m per year
  • Less than 1% of annual lamb losses can be directly attributed to foxes
  • When a fox dies or is killed, another fox will take over its territory within three to four days, meaning that lethal control of foxes is pointless
  • Foxes have strong family ties. Young foxes often stay with their parents for a few years and help raise future cubs

You can get these fox facts on our Foxycology Infographic:

fox facts


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