Ari Solomon, Mercy for
Animals (MFA)
February 2016
[Also read Maker of Hellman’s Mayonnaise Attempts to Crush Cruelty-free Alternative, November 2014]
While the irony here simply can’t be ignored, the fact that Hellmann’s recognizes the huge market value in plant-based alternatives is an undeniable win for animals.
It was just over a year ago that Unilever, the makers of Hellmann’s mayonnaise, announced it would sue Hampton Creek Foods for false advertising because Hampton’s Just Mayo didn’t contain eggs.
Unilever claimed it suffered “irreparable harm” after Just Mayo cut into its sales. Following much fanfare and a major backlash, the lawsuit was dropped.
But just today in an interesting about-face, Hellmann’s announced it would launch its own vegan mayonnaise. Labeled “Carefully Crafted Dressing and Sandwich Spread,” the new product will hit shelves later this month.
Marketing director Russell Lilly said the decision caters to the taste of Hellmann’s customers: “What this is about is providing choices to the millions of Hellmann’s fans.”
While the irony here simply can’t be ignored, the fact that Hellmann’s recognizes the huge market value in plant-based alternatives is an undeniable win for animals.
Hens raised for eggs are kept in appalling conditions, forced to live their entire lives in cramped wire cages where they never breathe fresh air or see sunlight.
Thankfully, it’s easy to withdraw support of this blatant animal abuse by simply avoiding eggs.
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