Do the Meat, Dairy, Fish and Egg Industries Have You Where They Want You?
An Animal Rights Article from


Responsible Policies for Animals, Inc. (RPA)
December 2013

Americans continually recreate society by telling policymakers what must be done, not through eating and shopping choices. The belief that personal choices create needed policy change is a figment of consumerism. The public-relations arm of the consumer-capitalist-free enterprise (animal-abuse) system – often including nonprofit organizations exaggerating impacts of quick and easy things we can do – undermines our effectiveness as citizens by having us believe our shopping choices alone make a significant difference.

 Eating plants-only and urging others to do the same but not working for policy change that could halt the industries’ growth? This is crucial for us to consider during this season of giving, reflecting, yearning, grieving, and hoping.
Our vegetarianism is neither diminishing the meat, dairy, fish, and egg industries and their allied industries (feed, agrichemicals, hunting, “pest” control, pharmaceuticals, …) nor reducing harm they do to humans, other animals, and the living world – despite decades of organized effort by thousands of dedicated people (including me), countless millions of hours and dollars spent, and sizeable expenditures of Earth’s wealth.  Basic policy change is needed, and our personal choices alone cannot promote that.
Animal abuse is civilization’s predominant policy, food policy one big part of the whole. Policy determines what people eat. As long as our colleges of agriculture and our government provide funding, subsidies, write-offs, status, training, research, sales, collusion, and promotions for the meat, dairy, fish, and egg industries, the industries’ rapid growth will continue.
Americans continually recreate society by telling policymakers what must be done, not through eating and shopping choices. The belief that personal choices create needed policy change is a figment of consumerism. The public-relations arm of the consumer-capitalist-free enterprise (animal-abuse) system – often including nonprofit organizations exaggerating impacts of quick and easy things we can do – undermines our effectiveness as citizens by having us believe our shopping choices alone make a significant difference.
Responsible Policies for Animals members recently received the Persons - Fall 2013 Newsletter. That issue, Persons - Spring 2013 Newsletter and articles on our website precisely outline how to dedicate oneself to the policy change all animals need for a chance at a fulfilling life. While enjoying personal benefits of veganism for body, mind and spirit, remember all continues steadily worsening for animals while consumerism supplants citizenship. In the season of giving and throughout the year, we must focus on long-term policy change.  We must make the public agenda, not cede our function as citizens to officials and rapacious industries.
Always feel welcome to discuss with me how you can promote the needed change despite your busy schedule – at this email address or call (215) 886-RPA1. And in coming weeks, I will provide additional details in RPA Updates. If you are not currently an RPA member, becoming one is easy, visit our website. RPA members receive Persons, RPA’s unique bumper sticker, and a bookmark summarizing the new wave of the animal-rights movement.
Thank you for the concern and interest you show by being on RPA’s email list, reading RPA Updates, and keeping the animals in mind when civilization’s primary teaching is that we needn’t do so.

Read more at The Meat and Diary Industries
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