August 2012
Three times per day milking dissolves bones from within. Virtually one-hundred percent of cows end their lives this way. They are given no respect as living, feeling creatures. Ear tags identify sentient cows as numbered agricultural units.
Over three million dairy cows are sent to U.S. slaughterhouses each year.
Imagine for a moment each creature's experience.
She is loaded onto a crowded truck, packed in tightly with other cows. She
is then driven many miles in the middle of the night to her death.
Some animals do not make it that far.
They cry. They scream. They die of fear. Some feeeze to death. Those unlucky
enough to survive the trip are roughly unloaded from the truck and then are
prodded with electrical devices of torture to go up a ramp to their final
fate. Stun gun, sharp knife to the throat, meat hook; some remain conscious
as the blood still drains from the wounds in their necks while they
are hoisted uside down by chains. Those who regain consiciousness to feel
pain react by kicking wildly, and are rewarded by having their thrashing
legs removed by men with chainsaws. The adrenaline permeates their flesh.
A used up dairy cow is culled from her herd and sent to the slaughterhouse
when she is no longer profitable to the dairy farmer. Often times, disease
has ravished her stressed body. Tumors grow. Leukemia or tuberculosis or
bovine AIDS overwhelms her immune system.
Three times per day milking dissolves bones from within. Virtually
one-hundred percent of cows end their lives this way. They are given no
respect as living, feeling creatures. Ear tags identify sentient cows as
numbered agricultural units.
Each living animal is skinned, gutted, and beheaded. The sum total of her
life is now referred to as meat. She is cut up into halves, then quartered,
then portioned.
Their flesh is tainted. They lived to serve man so that their revenge
becomes diseased flesh recycled into human bodies.
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