Animal Place
November 2009
Animal Control legally confiscated more than a dozen goats, two sheep and two rabbits.
Last year, Santa Cruz County Animal Services director, Todd Stosuy
noticed a cow with a broken horn spraying blood a foot in the air. The
shocking sight led him to an even more tragic situation - a custom
slaughterhouse. Goats, rabbits, pigs, chickens and other animals subsisted
off of bread and tortillas. One goat was down, others were extremely
emaciated. The owner claims the animals were for religious ceremonies and,
as such, did not need to be stunned insensible to pain before having their
throats cut.
Animal Control legally confiscated more than a dozen goats, two sheep and
two rabbits. Unfortunately, California law did not permit the confiscation
of the hundreds of remaining animals, all of whom are most likely dead by
Animal Place accepted six goats and two sheep. The remaining goats and cow
were sent to Farm Sanctuary. The animals were in varying degrees of poor
health. Because of their poor diet of inappropriate feed, all the goats had
various degrees of hoof and leg problems. We lost one goat. Another was so
lame, she could only get around by crawling on her front knees. The two
sheep were very thin, bones poking through wool. Most of the goats had
overgrown hooves. Two animals were pregnant, one giving birth to twin kids,
the other to a beautiful male lamb.
The district attorney decided to press charges against the owner, an
incredible thing, all things considered. Dogs and cats are low on the
prosecutorial totem pole, let alone goats, sheep and cattle.
Unlike so many other cases, the defense soon learned that all the witnesses
called - from the director of animal control to our own Abby Patterson,
sanctuary supervisor, well, they all showed up. Even the USDA inspector who
was to testify on a video of an improper slaughter arrived. The defense
decided to take a deal. The owner, Efrain Toledo Martinez, pled no contest
to two counts of animal neglect. That is it. He has to pay $190 in court
fees and $868 to Santa Cruz Animal Services. Animal Place alone exceeded
$1,000 caring for these neglected animals. Of course we do not save lives
because their care is paid for, but there is a disconnect in how much it
really costs to make health more than a dozen sick, emaciated animals.
We are, of course, disappointed. Justice was not served, not by a long shot.
We are grateful that the district attorney decided to pursue charges against
Martinez. And a big thank you to Todd Stosuy & Santa Cruz County Animal
Services for rescuing these animals...few animal control agencies can claim
to have that much respect and compassion for farmed animals.
So how are all the animals doing?
Lucy, the goat who was so lame she had to walk on her knees is now living in
Santa Cruz with C.A.P.E. A vet diagnosed her with severe laminits and, after
complete removal of grain from her diet, Lucy now walks without a
discernible limp. She even lets guardian, JP, hand-feed her - something she
would never do a year ago!
Millie, Adele and the two babies she gave birth to at the sanctuary, Todd
and Tess, live with a wonderful couple in Arizona. They drove all the way
out to California to adopt the four goats. We've heard reports that Millie
gets to come into the house and that Todd is a little bit of a head-butter.
Annie is very shy and wants nothing to do with people. She was polite
enough to stand still for this photo, though.
Annie and Jessica remain at Animal Place, far too shy for adoption
elsewhere. They integrated easily into the current herd. The two are like
sisters, spending most of their time together and calling to each other when
Etta, Virginia and the lamb she gave birth to, Lenny, are doing okay. Lenny
is more than a year old and looks all grown up! He still spends a lot of
time following his mom around. Etta hasn't gained much weight, so she's
still skinny - we think it's because she's a really old sheep lady. She
loves her back massages.
Of course, everyone should check out one of the first tender moments
Virginia and Lenny shared - nose to snout mom and son.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids