Animal Justice
November 2016
Qila leaves behind her mother Aurora, who is now the only surviving beluga at the Vancouver Aquarium. Tragically, Aurora is also sick. We still don't know if she will pull through.
A beluga whale named Qila died this week at the Vancouver Aquarium, where she had been confined to a tiny tank for her entire life. Qila was only 21 years old—much younger than the 35-50 years the average beluga would live in the wild.
Qila leaves behind her mother Aurora, who is now the only surviving beluga at the Vancouver Aquarium. Tragically, Aurora is also sick. We still don't know if she will pull through.
Qila and Aurora deserved better than a life in captivity, but the Vancouver Aquarium refuses to show them the mercy of freedom. The Aquarium's CEO John Nightingale was asked this week if it's time to stop imprisoning whales, and his callous response was shocking. He said, "I urge people not to think about belugas as if they were people."
Just like people, animals want freedom. It might be convenient for the Aquarium to pretend otherwise, but the truth is that these smart, sensitive animals suffer greatly in captivity because they are denied doing what comes naturally to them, like diving in deep water, swimming long distances, and foraging for food.
The Aquarium knows public opinion is turning against aquariums and zoos, and now they are desperately trying to silence criticism of their practices. That's why the Aquarium is suing the Vancouver Aquarium Uncovered, a brave documentary that exposes the Aquarium's cruel captivity of whales and dolphins.
Animal Justice is intervening in that legal case. We're fighting hard in court to stop the Aquarium from using the legal system to muzzle compassionate citizens who speak up for whales and dolphins.
Animals have no voices of their own, so they desperately need lawyers like us to speak out for them.
Can you make a donation today so we can be their voice in court? Visit our website, Animal Justice: Leading the legal fight for animal protection.
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