Carter Dillard, Animal Legal Defense Fund
April 2011
[Ed. Note: How do you distinguish the abuse inflicted by people who promote and participate in dogfight (The Real Face of Dogfighting) and the abuse inflicted by people who promote and participate in factory farming (45 Days: The Life and Death of a Broiler Chicken, Inside the Pork Industry, Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality?]
In addition to what we find objectionable about the
consequences of our behavior, the creation of suffering, there is something
independently wrong with the person willing to profit from the suffering
before they ever make it happen, wrong that they would want it to happen.
Factory farmers would never concede that their actions are similar to those
of dogfighters, perhaps because what they do is generally accepted by
It should do so because factory farmers and dogfighters both attempt to
profit from the suffering of animals, and this trait sets them apart from
the humane people that the basic principles of animal cruelty law, and our
consciences, tells us we should be. Of course there are differences between
factory farmers and dogfighters: the level of brutality and sadism, the
"benefits" factory farmers claim to bestow on society, and the culture
surrounding the practices. But the willingness they share to exploit animals
by causing their suffering is more striking than their differences because
it is a characteristic very few people seem to have.
How many people do you know who really exploit animals in this way? That is,
actually cause the animals before them to suffer, to take whatever
tenderness, affection and compassion they might have had in their hearts for
those creatures and exchange it for cash, cold figures on a balance sheet,
or the fleeting kick of the blood “sport.” Would you treat those persons
differently if you knew they did that? Factory farmers would never concede
that their actions are similar to those of dogfighters, perhaps because what
they do is generally accepted by society. Of course, our society knows
little to nothing about how meat and dairy are produced – much the way we
know little about the testing that goes on in labs, or what happens behind
the scenes of a circus. Legislators in Iowa and Florida are actually trying
to make it a crime to take pictures inside factory farms there. But society
needed to learn the truth about dogfighting -- needed to see those photos,
the footage -- to recently criminalize it. The truth had to come out for the
law to evolve and prohibit the profiteering from suffering that we know to
be wrong.
And the same is happening with factory farming as states – often through a
referendum that gets around legislators comfortably nestled in the pockets
of the factory farm lobby – ban certain devices and practices like battery
cages, gestation crates, and the production of foie gras. The nuances of
which species they exploit and their public image aside, dogfighters,
factory farmers and everyone else willing to profit by causing animals to
suffer share a disturbing characteristic: they lack empathy, enough to hurt
animals in order to line their pockets. We make a step, as a society,
towards being more human, more humane, when we proclaim our difference from
them, and see dogfighters, factory farmers and others who cause animals to
suffer as part of the same problem.
Peter Singer makes the fine point that factory farming may be worse than
dogfighting because in those factories the quantum of suffering is so much
greater. But we can see that in addition to what we find objectionable about
the consequences of our behavior, the creation of suffering, there is
something independently wrong with the person willing to profit from the
suffering before they ever make it happen, wrong that they would want it to
happen. Compassionate and humane people, the sort of people the basic
principles underlying animal cruelty law tell us to be, don’t want that. The
law should reflect our difference – the real difference – from those that
do, and do so uniformly, eliminating the false or trivial distinctions
between dogfighters and factory farmers, and be consistent, logical, and
willing to express its integrity on this point.
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