Nine California Schools Drop Their Dissection Programs
An Animal Rights Article from


Save the Frogs!
August 2011

Congratulations to these schools who recently accepted our challenge to discontinue all animal dissections in their school (not just frogs!) for a minimum of a five-year period:

Rancho Verde High School in Moreno, CA
Aviva High School in Los Angeles, CA
Southwestern Academy in San Marino, CA
Woodside School in Woodside, CA
Valley High School in North Hills, CA
Amelia Earhart Middle School in Riverside, CA
Glendale Adventist Elementary in Glendale, CA
The Carleton Project in Presque Isle, ME
Central High School in Los Angeles, CA

Each school wins a free full-site license of the Digital Frog 2.5 virtual dissection software. Find out how your school can win the free software here. Thanks to our Race To Stop Dissections partner the Animal Welfare Institute for donating the software.

The Top 10 Reasons Schools Should Not Dissect Frogs - Printable PDF

  1. Frogs are the most rapidly disappearing group of animals on the planet.
  2. Most frogs being dissected are taken out of the wild.
  3. Farm-raised frogs have high rates of infectious diseases.
  4. Excellent virtual dissection alternatives exist.
  5. Few students have any need to know what the inside of a frog looks like.
  6. If a student plans to be a doctor they can dissect cadavers in med school.
  7. Unnecessarily killing an animal is unethical and teaches students that animals are disposable.
  8. Students' time would be better spent learning about the threats frogs face and ways students can help protect amphibian populations.
  9. Students should not be forced to be unwitting accomplices in the extinction of frog species.
  10. Abandoning your school's dissection program sends a strong signal that you support worldwide amphibian conservation efforts.

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