Will Tuttle, The World Peace
April 2012
As people eat less animal-sourced foods, rates of obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, stroke, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and liver and kidney disease would all drop dramatically. As people become physically healthier, their moods would also improve and as radiant health and harmony spread, the pharmaceutical-medical complex would shrink, and our economy would be revitalized.
It’s tax time, and for me as a vegan, it seems a particularly appropriate
season to reflect upon and creatively imagine the enormously beneficial
effects a change in the use of our tax dollars for agricultural subsidies
would make. It is well known that wealthy interests that have little regard
for public health and ecological sustainability are now controlling our
governmental agencies and policies. However, if we could change that and
bring more grass-roots wisdom to the choices made about spending the
hundreds of billions of our tax dollars going for agriculture, we could
transform our world!
Currently, of our government subsidies for food, about 74% goes to meat,
dairy, and eggs, with only 13% for grains, 11% for sugar, oil, and alcohol,
and a tiny 2% for nuts and legumes, and less than 0.4% for vegetables and
fruits! And so, even though both nutritional research and the Federal
Nutrition Recommendations emphasize the benefits of diets high in
vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and legumes, and low in animal foods, our
government taxes support the opposite.
If we imagine that this scenario is reversed, and that our tax dollars
support organic plant-based foods instead of disease-promoting and
environmentally devastating animal foods, we are imagining as benevolent and
transformational a revolution in our culture as we possibly can. Also, as it
stands today, organic foods are not only not subsidized, but organic growers
are actually penalized by being forced to pay large amounts of money to have
their products certified as organic, and these costs must be passed on to
consumers. Farmers and consumers of organic fruits, vegetables, grains, and
other plant-based foods should obviously be encouraged, not discouraged. The
use of pesticides, toxic fertilizers and genetically-engineered organisms is
devastating ecosystems, polluting rivers and oceans, killing bees, frogs,
and many other animals, and causing cancer and other diseases in people.
We submit to and serve forces that are antithetical to our interests. These
forces haven so infiltrated our government that besides the massive direct
subsidies of our tax dollars to the animal agribusiness complex, there are
countless indirect subsidies as well. There are special grazing allotments,
irrigation allowances, income assistance, emergency assistance, tax breaks,
price supports and many other government services supplied to animal
agribusiness, all of which we pay for as well. For example, there is the
USDA’s Wildlife Services Department, which annually poisons, shoots, and
otherwise kills millions of wild animals annually at the request of
agribusiness interests that quietly conduct an ongoing war against nature
and our living Earth. It is a war against our health and freedom, and
against the natural abundance of our world as well, and concentrates most of
the wealth and power in the hands of a tiny elite.
If the subsidies were switched as we are imagining, and meat, dairy
products, and egg prices would have to reflect their true cost, they would
become much more expensive, with most estimates ranging in the neighborhood
of at least $35 per pound for meats. The prices for soy, almond, rice, and
other non-dairy milks would similarly be reduced, while dairy prices would
soar, reflecting their inherent inefficiency and wastefulness. The effects
of this happening are marvelous to contemplate. As organic plant-based foods
drop in price, and animal-based food prices escalate to more accurately
reflect their actual cost in the feed-grains, water, land, petroleum, and
other inputs required—as well as the pollution, disease, and suffering
caused—consumers would naturally opt to move significantly toward more
cost-effective, healthy, and sustainable plant-based dietary choices.
As people eat less animal-sourced foods, rates of obesity, diabetes,
osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, stroke, arthritis, autoimmune diseases,
and liver and kidney disease would all drop dramatically. As people become
physically healthier, their moods would also improve and as radiant health
and harmony spread, the pharmaceutical-medical complex would shrink, and our
economy would be revitalized. The crushing expense of disease-care would be
lifted off the price of everything we pay for, and the economy would
certainly benefit. Hungry people could be easily fed with the grain now
wasted on fattening animals, fossil fuel use would decline, and many of the
pressures driving conflicts and wars would decrease dramatically.
The vast acreage that is now enslaved to monocropped, genetically-engineered
corn, soy, and alfalfa for feed for imprisoned and cruelly-treated animals
could be allowed to revert back to urgently-needed habitat for free-living
animals, many of whom are on the brink of extinction. Forests and native
grasslands could be restored, streams would run clear and abundant again,
and the oceans could be relieved of the devastating pressure of over-fishing
and pollution that is now threatening their viability. The power of
corporations and financial institutions that insidiously devastate both our
human and ecological communities—the
military-industrial-meat-medical-pharmaceutical-media-money complex—would
all shrink, as the demand for their products would rightfully collapse. This
could help create the foundation for a more free, conscious, and egalitarian
We are just getting a small taste here of the power that we have potentially
to transform our planet through vegan education leading to public policy
change and changes in societal purchasing patterns. We actually have the
power; we just aren’t yet conscious and awake enough to effectively use it.
And yet, these imaginings and dreams of the way to a better tomorrow provide
guidance and inspiration. As Thoreau said, dreams and visions are vital—and
then we have to roll up our sleeves to build the foundations that bring
these dreams into reality.
Is it possible to flip the government subsidies, and subsidize healthy
organic plant-based foods instead of genetically-engineered crops, animal
foods, sugar, corn syrup, and other toxic foods? Absolutely! It is all about
grass-roots education and consciousness-raising. The keys to a benevolent
planetary revolution are in our hands—let’s use them!
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