League Against
Cruel Sports
April 2017
Conversations with hunt supporters revealed that other hunts were riding in the area because the Kimblewick’s pack of hounds had been euthanised after contracting bTB. Information given to Hounds Off included claims that the dogs have contracted bTB after eating meat from infected cattle, and that at least 40 dogs had been euthanised.
It’s sad enough that these dogs caught bTB, as the symptoms are awful – they can become anorexic, suffer shortness of breath and vomiting before they are simply destroyed. But what is even more shocking is that the Kimblewick Hunt has clearly tried to make this go away. Instead of shutting down and ensuring that the disease was eradicated, they have invited other hunts – with their dogs – onto their land to continue hunting.
Kennel with biosecurity warnings
Bovine TB, the disease ravaging herds of cattle across England and Wales,
has been discovered in a pack of hounds used for fox hunting – prompting
urgent calls for hunting to be suspended indefinitely.
Animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports are calling for all
hunting to be stopped immediately to ensure that the thousands of hounds
used in the ‘sport’ cannot spread the disease.
Eduardo Gonçalves, CEO of the League, which received a tip off about the
outbreak from the organisation Hounds Off, said:
“The implications of this outbreak are huge. We already know that
restricting the movement of animals in the countryside is the only effective
way of controlling bTB, but thousands of hunt hounds are free to chase from
field to field, farm to farm and across private and National Trust land
pretty much on a daily basis during the hunting season. How on earth can
this be allowed to continue now we know that at least some hounds have
caught the disease?
“It would be a farce if hunting was allowed to continue while bovine TB is
rife. All hunting with dogs – much of which is already illegal – must be
suspended with immediate effect at least until bTB is under control. To do
anything else – or to do nothing – would raise serious questions as to who
is really in charge of looking after our countryside.
“There are more than 50 hunts operating in parts of the country where bTB is
particularly widespread. Are we looking at the real reason why the disease
can’t be controlled?”
The League estimates that there are more than 3,000 hunting hounds in the
England Btb epidemic zone alone, which may be out in the countryside an
average of two days a week during the six-month hunting season.
Although hunting with hounds was banned by the Hunting Act 2004, hunts
continue to take place. These usually claim to be ‘trail’ hunting or hunting
under one of the exemptions of the Act, but the League believes these are
false claims and most are hunting illegally.
Joe Hashman, founder of www.houndsoff.co.uk, an organisation which supports
people negatively affected by hunts said: "It is because Hounds Off works
with local people in local communities that we are able to find out things
which might otherwise be kept secret. With the link between the Kimblewick
Hunt hounds and bovine tuberculosis now confirmed, Hounds Off calls for the
immediate blanket suspension of all hunting by all packs of hounds pending
further investigations and enquiries."
Kimblewick Hunt
Following a tip off, supporters of Hounds Off discovered the outbreak after
noticing that riders of the Kimblewick Hunt, which is based near Aylesbury
in Buckinghamshire, were wearing different uniforms than normal.
Conversations with hunt supporters revealed that other hunts were riding in
the area because the Kimblewick’s pack of hounds had been euthanised after
contracting bTB. Information given to Hounds Off included claims that the
dogs have contracted bTB after eating meat from infected cattle, and that at
least 40 dogs had been euthanised.
After being contacted by a journalist, both Defra and the hunt confirmed
that there had been a bTB outbreak at the kennels.
Eduardo Gonçalves said:
“It’s sad enough that these dogs caught bTB, as the symptoms are awful –
they can become anorexic, suffer shortness of breath and vomiting before
they are simply destroyed. But what is even more shocking is that the
Kimblewick Hunt has clearly tried to make this go away. Instead of shutting
down and ensuring that the disease was eradicated, they have invited other
hunts – with their dogs – onto their land to continue hunting.
“There is a possibility that those dogs will then have returned to their own
areas, potentially spreading the disease across new farms, but it is also
possible that they may get infected in their own territory if BTb also
happens there. We know there have been Btb outbreaks near where many hunts
operate – are the hunts to blame?"
Bio-Security Time Bomb
After hearing about the outbreak, the League Against Cruel Sports sent
trained investigators to the kennels. Animal carcasses could be seen in the
open with dogs wandering around freely. Small signs declaring that
biosecurity measures were in place, though no indication of real biosecurity
measures, such as vehicle disinfection, were seen.
“The biosecurity measures in place are a joke,” said Mr Gonçalves. “Where is
the cordon? Where are the Defra officials? They are gambling with the health
of the public as well as the welfare of thousands of dogs and livelihoods of
thousands of farmers.
“It is believed that the dogs caught the disease from eating infected meat
or by being allowed to run in fields where infected cattle had recently
been. Hunt kennels routinely collect carcasses from local farmers and use
them as cheap meat to feed the dogs, in exchange for letting them hunt on
their land. This has been a time-bomb waiting to explode.”
A message on the Master of Fox Hounds website seems to have been posted this
week, though dated 28th February, claims that ‘Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) was
suspected in hounds at the Kimblewick in December (and subsequently
confirmed at the end of January)’. It also claims that the hunt suspended
hunting, and that Defra did not impose any movement or other restrictions as
‘it does not consider that there is any increased risk to wildlife and farm
Eduardo Gonçalves said:
“The Kimblewick may or may not have suspended hunting, but other hunts have
been coming in, running their hounds across the same land the Kimblewick
would have used, then going home – potentially spreading the disease to
other areas. And if Defra were aware of this, would farmers who are
suffering the full impact of Btb be happy to know that the department which
is meant to be leading the fight against the disease allowed it to happen?
“Questions also need to be asked of public health and agriculture officials.
Why wasn’t a stop to all hunt hound movements immediately enacted and
enforced? There are a number of Defra Ministers with strong links to the
hunt lobby. Did they intervene to influence Defra’s response? A full inquiry
into Defra’s actions, including whether or not these have potentially
compromised public health interests, needs to take place immediately in
order to clarify these issues.
“The public also needs to know that the current Minister for Animal Welfare
at DEFRA, Lord Gardiner, is the former Director of Political Affairs at the
Countryside Alliance – and is an Honorary Member of the Kimblewick Hunt.
Serious questions must now be asked about whether Lord Gardiner is more
interested in protecting hunting than protecting farmers and public health.”
Suspend Hunting - Now
“If the government doesn’t act decisively to control the spread of disease
by stopping hunting, we could be looking at thousands of dogs having to be
destroyed in addition to the devastation among cattle,” said Mr Gonçalves.
“This would cause uproar, not least because it could have been avoided if
only the government and the hunt lobby had acted properly.
“The hunting fraternity will no doubt resist any moves to curtail their
activities. However it is their stubbornness in trying to circumvent the ban
by continuing to hunt illegally with dogs that has helped create this
crisis. They need to be held to account, and the authorities should not be
bowed by the pressure they will doubtless come under to water down measures
to control the spread of disease from hunting.”
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