Gateway to Hell
October 2009
After a campaign that lasted for six years (2003-2009) the Nepal
government has decided to definitely halt the breeding of monkeys for
biomedical research in the USA. It shows that it pays to have patience and
that the good forces sometimes do win in the end!
It has been a long ride for many of us, with countless ups and downs. In the
meantime four of five Ministers came and went, high level bureaucrats
changed postitions, and the population of captive monkeys increased
As Manoj Gautam points out: 'It shows what can be achieved when one person
takes his responsibility serious.' Kudos to Minister Dipak Bohara, and to
everyone who has been involved in the Stop Monkey Business Campaign.
This victory will be the end of the Gateway To Hell campaign.
The Gateway To Hell campaign was all about the Nepal monkeys, and now that
we won this campaign the people who were doing this work will shift their
focus on other targets.
It doesn't mean that we turn our back on the animals, not at all, it means
we take other campaigns 200% seriously and the Gateway To Hell campaign is
being put aside because of this.
We want to thank everybody who has been active for this campaign, many
people from many countries have showed their best side by being so active
for the animals.
We hope you will all stay active for the animals in other campaigns!
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