Ken Swensen,
Originaly published on
Encyclopedia Britannica Advocacy for Animals
December 2015
Trade pacts create tectonic shifts in national economies. They impact the lives and jobs of millions of people and the fortunes of entire industries. As the TPP nears an up or down vote in Congress this spring (no amendments are possible), there will be heated arguments about winners and losers, and which workers, businesses and industries will fall into each camp. There is, however, one thing that is certain: the animal world will be on the losing side.
A central goal of trade pacts is the harmonization of international regulations, known as regulatory coherence. In order to smooth out a jumble of international codes and regulations, the meeting point tends to shift down towards a lower common denominator. Regarding animal welfare standards, U.S. meat and dairy producers set their own, or more accurately, fail to set meaningful standards. And since there is not a single federal statute covering the day-to-day treatment of farmed animals, this is essentially the “set point” under which the TPP will expand trade. Any country that might in the future choose to set higher standards for the treatment of animals could be accused of creating barriers to trade.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed agreement between 12 countries that border the Pacific Ocean, including the developed nations of Australia, Canada, Japan, and the U.S., as well as the developing economies of Mexico, Peru, Chile, Malaysia, and Vietnam. It would be the largest trade agreement in history, covering more than 40% of the world’s economy.
For the U.S., the goals of the TPP are to spur economic growth, open doors for American corporations to increase exports, and counterbalance the influence of China. After five years of secret negotiations, the 6,000-page final document has recently been released.
Trade pacts create tectonic shifts in national economies. They impact the lives and jobs of millions of people and the fortunes of entire industries. As the TPP nears an up or down vote in Congress this spring (no amendments are possible), there will be heated arguments about winners and losers, and which workers, businesses and industries will fall into each camp.
There is, however, one thing that is certain: the animal world will be on
the losing side.
The Threat to Animals
Eyes glaze over at the mention of trade pacts. But animal advocates must keep our eyes wide open, because immense animal suffering is built into these agreements. The removal of trade barriers, especially between the U.S. and developing nations, spurs a massive growth in factory farming. If the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is approved by Congress this spring, factory farms will expand in the U.S. to support an increase in meat exports and their numbers will increase exponentially within developing nations as meat consumption grows. That growth will, of course, cause the suffering of billions of farmed animals. And it will create an array of environmental damages and habitat loss that will further threaten wildlife. It is likely that the pact will make it more difficult to enact higher welfare standards for farmed animals, as any national requirements that have the effect of limiting imports will be subject to legal challenges by corporations claiming that these requirements illegally interfere with their pursuit of profits.
The Theory of Free Trade
Most economists view free trade, in theory, as an economic benefit. As
international tariffs are reduced and protections for specific industries
are removed, nations shift resources to the products and services they
produce relatively efficiently and cheaply. In the absence of tariffs and
quotas, foreign demand increases for those products. When viewed as a whole,
the economy grows and consumers benefit from lower costs. Meanwhile, workers
are displaced from previously protected industries and many eventually shift
to industries with greater export potential.
In open markets, purchasers of commodity products, i.e. those that are not
easily differentiated such as oil or wheat, buy from the lowest cost
suppliers, since costs (including transportation) are usually the sole
purchasing consideration. Corn and soybeans, the central ingredients in the
feed given to factory farmed animals, are commodities. Most factory farmed
meat and dairy products are considered commodities as well.
How Factory Farming Will Grow
Image from
The U.S. has an enormous advantage in agriculture. Because of its
unusually fertile land, temperate climate, and ample water resources, the
U.S. is especially efficient at growing massive amounts of corn and
soybeans, the major input cost in raising factory farmed animals. And
because the U.S. government looks the other way as agribusiness pollutes the
land and water, depletes aquifers and degrades the soil, the food industry
is able to externalize these expenses, thereby reducing production costs.
Additionally, the government subsidizes the production of monoculture corn,
further reducing selling prices.
The U.S. also knows how to raise farmed animals at the lowest possible
costs, having created the factory farm model (also known by the industry
term CAFOs, or concentrated animal feeding operations). Agribusinesses speed
up the growth cycles of animals with unnatural and chemical-laced feed,
tightly confine them indoors or in manure-filled feedlots, and
systematically amputate body parts (including tails, testicles, teeth, toes
and beaks) to maximize profits.
U.S. agribusiness is extremely enthusiastic about the TPP and the prospect
of exporting more pork, beef, chicken and dairy products. With domestic meat
consumption on a slight decline, this is the only path to significantly
higher revenues. Undeveloped markets are particularly enticing since the
competition is mostly made up of small farmers grappling with high
production costs and lacking in political clout. Not only will U.S.
corporations quickly increase exports, they will also set up factory farming
subsidiaries in undeveloped markets, including vertical supply chains that
maximize efficiency.
If the TPP passes, factory farms will also expand due to the elimination of
farm protections in highly developed nations. For many years, Japan has been
protecting its beef producers. As tariffs and quotas are reduced, smaller
operations in Japan will be unable to compete with cheaper imports from the
U.S. Due to the lower prices of American beef, Japanese meat consumption
will undoubtedly increase, leading to more imports and more cattle feedlots
in the U.S.
Post TPP, large-scale, low-cost producers will thrive, while smaller
operations will struggle. In any commodity market, corporate success is
based on easy access to low-cost resources, economies of scale that stem
from large production capabilities, and a relentless focus on cost-cutting.
In such a market, any operation that expends time or resources to minimize
the abuse of animals or the environment will be at a competitive
disadvantage. The business will either fail or be forced to find a niche
market supported by consumers that value those efforts (which will be rare
in developing nations). As factory farmed meat and dairy products become
less expensive, more widely available, and more actively marketed by
powerful corporations, meat consumption will grow. And billions more animals
will lead tortured lives on factory farms.
NAFTA and Mexico
A real-world example of the expected impacts of agreements like the TPP can
be seen in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its impact on
meat consumption and factory farming in Mexico. Since the passage of NAFTA
in 1994, U.S. hog exports have multiplied seven-fold and poultry exports
have quadrupled. The industry trade magazine World Poultry bluntly explains
that NAFTA “has contributed to unprecedented growth in poultry production.”
In the two decades after NAFTA, with supply steadily increasing and prices
decreasing, Mexico’s per capita consumption of eggs more than doubled and
chicken consumption almost tripled. The growth was almost exclusively
supported by U.S. exports from factory farms. Corn and soybean exports from
the U.S. soared as well. Unable to compete, Mexican farmers and their
families either moved to the cities or became a part of the post-NAFTA
influx of migrants to the U.S.
American companies further benefited by establishing subsidiaries in Mexico.
Within a few years of the agreement, two of the largest meat producers in
Mexico were the American companies Smithfield and Tyson. Aware of this
history, the meat lobby, which was well represented at the TPP negotiating
table, sees Mexico-sized opportunities in the markets of Vietnam, Malaysia,
Peru, Chile, and potentially Indonesia, which has the world’s fourth largest
population and has expressed an interest in joining the pact.
Wildlife Habitats
Simple back-of-the-envelope calculations will show that we cannot protect
wildlife if meat consumption continues to dramatically grow—as the U.N.
predicts it will under current trends. One-third of the world’s arable land
is currently devoted to growing feed for farmed animals. If the rest of the
world were to match America’s level of animal product consumption, we would
need another Earth just to grow animal feed. Given the intense worldwide
pressure on arable land, rainforests are cleared and ecologically sensitive
areas are farmed to supply the constantly increasing demand for animal feed.
The direct environmental costs of the expansion of factory farming
exacerbate the greatest natural threats to life on earth. The diversion of
more resources to meat and dairy production leads to more monoculture
farming, degradation of the soil, pollution of water supplies, dead zones in
the oceans, and increasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions. All of these
factors create overwhelming pressures for wildlife.
Most environmental protection groups have come out firmly against the TPP,
noting especially that the issue of climate change is not even mentioned in
the 6,000 pages. To claim, as a few supporters do, that the symptomatic
measures in the agreement protecting iconic species or tackling the illegal
wildlife trade will sufficiently protect wildlife is wishful thinking.
Unfortunately, only a few environmental and animal protection organizations
are speaking out against the TPP’s threat to all animals due to the expected
expansion of factory farming.
Animal Welfare Standards
A central goal of trade pacts is the harmonization of international regulations, known as regulatory coherence. In order to smooth out a jumble of international codes and regulations, the meeting point tends to shift down towards a lower common denominator. Regarding animal welfare standards, U.S. meat and dairy producers set their own, or more accurately, fail to set meaningful standards. And since there is not a single federal statute covering the day-to-day treatment of farmed animals, this is essentially the “set point” under which the TPP will expand trade. Any country that might in the future choose to set higher standards for the treatment of animals could be accused of creating barriers to trade.
The TPP includes a highly contentious mechanism called Investor-State
Dispute Settlement that allows corporations to sue governments for lost
profits due to actions that unfairly obstruct trade. Were the U.S or another
country to decide, for example, to no longer accept imports of hogs that
were tightly confined in concrete and metal indoor pens, they could be sued
by corporations that deem those standards an obstruction of trade. The
determinations of financial settlements by international arbitration
tribunals would be legally binding and could not be appealed.
It is more than likely that the TPP would turn out to be a potent weapon
against animal activists demanding better treatment for farmed animals.
Corporate challenges claiming that higher standards illegally block trade
would be resolved by arbitrators that have no precedent for, and likely no
interest in, higher animal welfare standards.
Ken Swensen volunteers for ACTAsia supporting their work teaching Chinese
schoolchildren compassion for animals and respect for the environment. A
lifetime New Yorker, Ken runs a small business and has an MBA from New York
How Can I Help?
And keep advocating for animals, who have no way to advocate for themselves.
To Learn More:
The TPP and Agriculture
Factory Farming in Mexico after NAFTA
The Environmental Impacts of Factory Farming
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Read more at The Meat and Dairy Industries