Beagle Freedom Project
April 2017
Casting the net wider, we are also calling on all laboratory animal breeders to let us take the dogs that have some perceived defect, like an allergy or that they are too shy, instead of killing them. Tragically this is the standard, as labs and breeders systematically “cull” (a fancy word for killing) those dogs and cats they find less than satisfactory. We at Beagle Freedom Project don’t care about these “defects,” they are perfect to us.
Every year, Beagle Freedom Project reaches out to every laboratory in the
U.S. that uses dogs and cats in experiments, to offer our services to rescue
and rehome the survivors.
Setting aside our political differences and personal distaste for the labs,
we propose to do everything for these animals from the transport, veterinary
care, rehabilitation, and rehoming. All the labs have to do is not kill
them. Sadly, every year, this offer of help largely falls on deaf ears –
underscoring the need for our signature legislation, the Beagle Freedom
This year we are doubling down and expanding our efforts and offer to help.
Casting the net wider, we are also calling on all laboratory animal breeders
to let us take the dogs that have some perceived defect, like an allergy or
that they are too shy, instead of killing them. Tragically this is the
standard, as labs and breeders systematically “cull” (a fancy word for
killing) those dogs and cats they find less than satisfactory.
We at Beagle Freedom Project don’t care about these “defects,” they are
perfect to us. No matter where, no matter when, and no matter how many –
Beagle Freedom Project will show up and get to work. As the most prolific
research animal rescue organization in the world we have never said no to
helping an animal and will never give up trying to convince these facilities
to the right thing.
Join us today as we publicize the plight of these animals and call on the
industry to give these animals a chance at freedom. Socially share this
video, email this open letter to the press, print and post this offer on
nearby college campuses, and continue to contribute towards this life-saving
Together we will free more victims of laboratory languish and help end
animal testing.
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