United Poultry Concerns (UPC)
May 2013
Image from Un-Cooped:
Deconstructing the Domesticated Chicken
A project of
National Museum of Animals & Society
United Poultry Concerns is pleased to announce the debut of the
eagerly-awaited exhibit “Un‑Cooped” on May 11, 2013. The exhibit features a
wealth of historical and contemporary documents about chicken-human
relationships and about chickens themselves.
Gathered together in this permanent digital collection are photographs,
illustrations, paintings, essays, interviews, videos, and campaign materials
capturing the myriad ways in which chickens have been perceived and treated
by humans, how they have suffered and died and recovered and rejoiced and
been loved, cherished, honored, tortured, murdered, maligned and advocated
United Poultry Concerns is an underwriter of Un-Cooped and a contributor in
the form of essays, an interview, images, and donated artifacts to the NMAS
Permanent Collection. Un-Cooped debuted in May to coincide with United
Poultry Concerns’ International Respect for Chickens Day May 4 / Month of
May celebration of chickens.
Announcing the Grand Opening of Un-Cooped, Museum Founder & Executive
Director, Carolyn Marino Mullin, stated, “Chickens are among the most abused
and under-appreciated species in the world. We think it is important to show
people the ways we as a culture view and treat chickens and to introduce
them to chickens as individuals with their own wants, needs and interests.”
Un-Cooped includes “dozens of museum artifacts from the museum’s collection,
including postcards, advertisements, industry implements, and materials from
chicken protection campaigns. The ‘chicken portrait gallery’ section will
invite visitors to ‘meet’ 150 chickens as individuals through the words and
lenses of their caretakers.”
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