Felony Warrants Issued for E6 Cattle Co. Owner and Workers
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


Karyn Pyle on This Dish Is Veg
June 2011

[Ed. Note: For background information, read Got Milk? How about Mercy for Day-old Calves? MFA Investigation Reveals Barbaric Violence on Texas Dairy. And watch Calf Slaughter Cruelty.]

"We commend the Castro County District Attorney and Sheriff’s Office for taking swift and decisive action in bringing these animal abusers to justice,” said Nathan Runkle, Executive Director of Mercy For Animals. “Let this case be a wake-up call to the dairy industry that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated.”

Five people have been charged with cruelty to livestock/animal felonies and two with misdemeanors.

Cruelty charges have been levied against the owners and employees of E6 Cattle Co. in Hart Texas, after shocking video footage was released of calves being treated inhumanely.

The video footage was obtained by an undercover investigator for the animal rights group; Mercy For Animals

In the footage, workers are seen bashing calves in the head with huge pickaxes and hammers, stomping on their rib cages and standing on their necks as they cry out in fear, pain and confusion. Calves are dragged by their ears and shown discarded in piles to die a hideous, painful death after their torturous treatment.

Live calves are seen in putrid tiny stalls, thick with knee-high manure and urine with barely enough room to turn around. Sick calves with open sores and severed hooves were ignored and left to suffer without medical treatment.

"We commend the Castro County District Attorney and Sheriff’s Office for taking swift and decisive action in bringing these animal abusers to justice,” said Nathan Runkle, Executive Director of Mercy For Animals. “Let this case be a wake-up call to the dairy industry that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated.”

Five people have been charged with cruelty to livestock/animal felonies and two with misdemeanors.

E6 Cattle Co. is a factory farm that rears about 10,000 calves per year for the dairy industry.

You can avoid contributing to the suffering of innocent animals by adopting a vegan diet and can learn more about the work of Mercy For Animals here.

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