Direct Action
Everywhere (DXE)
January 2015
[NOTE from Please read Why California proposition 2, now in effect, is not protecting farmed animals AND Disappearing Hens: Stopping Short of What Needs to Be Said – and Done.]
DxE investigators find shocking mistreatment of animals at a "humane" Whole Foods supplier.... and attempt to rescue a little hen named Mei from the brink of death.
Whole Foods has been blatantly deceiving the public about the ethics of killing animals for well over two decades now. They are the fastest growing grocery in the world.
Today, we released a video [youtube link] from an investigation and open rescue at a Whole Foods "Certified Humane" egg supplier.
We found terrifying conditions, including extreme crowding, filthy and diseased hens, and mass mutilation and death.
We managed to take a small number of the hens out, including a little bird named Mei, who was found injured, starving, and having lost nearly 70% of her body weight.
Her incredible story of coming back from the brink of death is the focus of our campaign video.
The investigation is being covered by The New York Times, among other
outlets. But unlike large animal rights nonprofits, we have no promotional
budget. So we're counting on you to help us get the word out. If you could
like, share, and comment on the video on all our various social media
outlets (links to facebook,
youtube, and twitter,
it would really help us.
And most important, please make it out to our follow-up protests throughout
the month of January... and bring friends.
Whole Foods has been blatantly deceiving the public about the ethics of killing animals for well over two decades now. They are the fastest growing grocery in the world.
Whole Foods prides itself on Animal Welfare. Their CEO even made a statement saying:
There will be no mutilations. Most livestock animals are mutilated when they’re doing intensive living, and they have their beaks partially cut off and their toes amputated without any type of anesthesia. We’re forbidding that.
But as you can see from the video, these are empty words. These are lies. This here is an image from a "certified humane" Whole Foods farm. This is a hen's wing, which was ripped from her body. This is mutilation. This is not food, this is violence.
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Read more at Egg Production