Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Will Tuttle, The
World Peace Diet
May 2014
Also read The Vegan Birth and the Birth of the Circles of Compassion Vision
This is a book of essays by leading authors and activists on the connections between human, animal, and environmental well-being.
About this project!
Too often, we fail to recognize how forms of violence and oppression are
connected. If were able to see and understand these connections, we can
better leverage our collective efforts to bring about positive
transformative change. Weve put together a book of essays from leading
activists who work to end different forms of violence to help lead us to
that path. The book is called Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of
Justice. This could be the push that we need to break out of our confining
silos, to build bridges between movements, and to make the choices that will
lead to a peaceful and just world for all.
We have 28 leading visionary vegan authors who have contributed insightful
and inspiring essays to the volume, all on the theme of illuminating the
connections between injustice to animals and the various forms of social and
ecological injustice, and the keys to creating a world of peace, compassion,
and freedom by addressing the hidden roots of our dilemmas.
Below is the list of contributors and chapter titles.
Where does my money go?
To complete the project, we have a goal of $18,000. Your support will go directly to completing, printing, distributing, and marketing this book. The more contributions we receive, the more books we can print and the more we can devote to marketing, public relations, and speaking engagements for the authors, which maximizes our impact and gets our message out there. We're donating 50% of all proceeds raised from this book printing to the Food Empowerment Project, an organization that seeks to create a more just and sustainable world by recognizing the power of ones food choices.
For your support, you'll receive a gift ranging from the eBook to a weekend retreat at Will and Madeleine Tuttle's vegan bed and breakfast! You'll also receive our gratitude and personal thanks for making this project a reality.
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