June 2012
If you are going to eat eggs, call yourself a vegetarian, not a vegan. Eating eggs is not ever part of veganism. The public is confused enough about what vegetarians and vegans eat, we don't need more confusion.
This week [4/10/11] I left an online vegetarian parenting group that I had been a part of for probably six and a half years. I joined it when my daughter was born. Over the years I have found the group quite frustrating at times, because many of the same issues come up time and again and you would think the people in the group would "get it" but they don't.
The final straw this time was the discussion of vegans eating eggs. Someone posted saying they are a vegan family, but they eat the eggs from their backyard chickens. Ugh.
Sorry folks, but even if you eat eggs from your own backyard chickens you are not a vegan family. They argued that there is nothing wrong with eating them (or calling themselves vegan doing so). This is because they say the chickens are treated well. Oddly enough, the "vegan family" got lots of support from other members in calling themselves vegan and in eating the eggs.
Here are my concerns:
Anyway, you get the idea...
So after years of being in that group, I left it because of this issue.