Jane Lampman | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
November 2006
As delegates meet in Africa this week for a United Nations conference on climate change, they aim to set targets for dramatic cuts in fossil-fuel emissions beyond those set by the Kyoto protocol for 2012, and grapple with how to allocate those cuts. Yet the big economies of the United States, China, and India are not part of the Kyoto treaty.
Report seeks stronger focus on ethical issues in negotiations on
greenhouse gases.
Recent news on global warming is not encouraging:
• Concentrations of human-caused carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached
the highest levels ever recorded last year, says a World Meteorological
Organization report issued Nov. 3.
• Another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, also posted a record in 2005.
• Not only summer but also winter sea ice in the Arctic has retreated in a
pronounced way, says a recent NASA study.
• A global recession is a probable outcome if rapid action on climate change
is not pursued, says a major report released last week by the British
As delegates meet in Africa this week for a United Nations conference on
climate change, they aim to set targets for dramatic cuts in fossil-fuel
emissions beyond those set by the Kyoto protocol for 2012, and grapple with
how to allocate those cuts. Yet the big economies of the United States,
China, and India are not part of the Kyoto treaty.
These efforts call not only for the best scientific data and economic
analyses, but also for explicit consideration of the ethical issues
involved, says a multinational group of climate change, development, and
ethical research organizations. To make its case to delegates and
policymakers, the group released a white paper on the ethical issues in
Nairobi on Nov 8.
"Climate change not only raises ethical questions, but the most profound
ones - literally matters of life and death, who's going to survive, the fate
of nation states, obligations of one nation to another, of the rich and the
poor," and who is to be involved in the decisions, says Donald Brown,
coordinator of the Collaborative Program on the Ethical Dimensions of
Climate Change (EDCC).
It is widely recognized that damage from climate change is affecting the
poorer countries - those least able to manage it - the hardest. Rising sea
levels, for example, may devastate large portions of Bangladesh, the Nile
delta, the southeastern coast of Asia, and many Pacific islands.
According to Dr. Brown, an environmental lawyer at Rock Ethics Institute at
Penn State, the scientific and economic discourse often hides the ethical
questions, making it difficult for the public and policymakers to see what
is at stake. For instance, he says, there are strong ethical issues posed by
two US positions: that action can be delayed because of perceived scientific
uncertainty, and that cost to the US economy is a sufficient rationale for
not accepting targets.
The white paper analyzes the ethical issues in eight areas, including
atmospheric targets, allocating global emissions among nations, the cost to
national economies, responsibility for damages, and potential new
"We are trying to help people see the moral and normative problems with the
way climate change is being discussed," Brown adds. "If you only appeal to
self-interest and not to people's sense of ethics and justice, you aren't
going to get the responses necessary to make needed reductions."
Under way for two years, the collaboration involves ethicists, scientists,
economists, legal experts, and negotiators from several continents. The
paper's authors come principally from the US, Brazil, Britain, and Sri
Lanka, but more than 100 people from around the world are engaged in the
"The launch of the white paper is a landmark event," says Prof. Mohan
Munasinghe, vice chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
"EDCC is important because it focuses on key equity issues."
Brown offers a vivid example of how challenging these will be: The world is
emitting about 7 billion tons of carbon, which is going up each year as the
economies of China and India grow. To prevent serious warming, countries
must cut total emissions to 3 billion tons and divide that up.
"With the world having to reduce by 60 to 80 percent, the cuts are steep,"
he says, "but it's the allocation that creates enormous ethical questions.
The US has 25 percent of the 7 billion tons; as we cut to 3 [billion], the
US share would be much greater than 60 to 80 percent if it were to take
equity seriously."
But the developed world has the capacity and technologies to respond, says
the British government's recent report and the Pew Center on Global Climate
Change, which works closely with businesses that have already signed on to
the challenge.
"The US is the No. 1 emitter of greenhouse gases, and we are also the
wealthiest country in the world, so obviously the US should play a major
role in addressing this challenge," says Vicki Arroyo, Pew director of
policy analysis. The government is not doing what it should, but business
can be developing technologies to export to the rest of the world, she adds.
Ethical issues have played a role, she continues, in deciding who acts
first. The white paper, which she hasn't yet seen, "is another example of a
group seeing the magnitude of this challenge and discussing what our
responsibilities are.... It's an important component."
The EDCC hopes to convene an international conference on the ethical issues,
and it plans to develop people-friendly resources that will help the general
public engage in the debate.
See original article here.
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