Global Warming - Livestock More Damaging Than Vehicles
An Environmental Article from


FAO Newsroom
November 2006

...livestock production is at the heart of almost every other environmental catastrophe confronting the planet - rain forest destruction, spreading deserts, loss of fresh water, air and water pollution, acid rain and soil erosion.

The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation has just issued (November 29) a stunning report on global warming. Livestock production is responsible for: more climate change gasses than all the motor vehicles in the world; 70 per cent of the Amazon deforestation; 64 per cent of all the acid rain-producing ammonia; and 15 out of the 24 vast global ecosystems that are in decline can blame livestock.

More than this, livestock production is at the heart of almost every other environmental catastrophe confronting the planet - rain forest destruction, spreading deserts, loss of fresh water, air and water pollution, acid rain and soil erosion.

"This blows a gaping hole in the government's global warming rhetoric and the action plans of the big environmental organisations - even the Green party," says Tony Wardle, Associate Director of the animal campaign group, Viva!. "Like Viva!, they have known the facts for years but have been terrified of confronting them for fear of losing support. People don't mind being told to recycle their bottles, use solar panels, cycle to work or switch to smaller car - but tell them to go vegan ....

"We've been saying for years that you can wait for the deserts to spread, ice to melt, seas to rise, rain to get more acidic and for the animals, plants and trees to disappear. Or you can take things into your own hands and change your diet," says Tony Wardle. "As an added bonus, you'll also improve your health."

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