Geoff Russell,
January 2010
Boverty is the human impact of too many bovines
overwhelming the local biosphere’s ability to feed them
The ecosystem impacts of cattle spread far and wide but it may not be the
owners of the animals who suffer the impacts. Indeed, the animals can buffer
their owners against the worst impacts of boverty. This is analogous to the
way that drivers of large SUVs do well in collisions with smaller vehicles.
The entire community suffers from the presence of the vehicles, but the
owners may be the least affected.
Boverty is the human impact of too many bovines overwhelming the local
biosphere’s ability to feed them … the bovines are usually cattle and more
than a few African countries have precisely this problem. Their livestock is
a millstone around their necks and helping to keep them poor. Well-meaning
aid organizations often contribute to the problem.
The ecosystem impacts of cattle spread far and wide but it may not be the
owners of the animals who suffer the impacts. Indeed, the animals can buffer
their owners against the worst impacts of boverty. This is analogous to the
way that drivers of large SUVs do well in collisions with smaller vehicles.
The entire community suffers from the presence of the vehicles, but the
owners may be the least affected.
But these conclusions are just the end point of a longish discussion. We
need to start at the beginning. But before we get to the beginning, here is
a MODIS satellite firemap of the planet during the last days of December
2009. The sub-Saharan cattle countries are ablaze.
This post surveys the impacts of livestock, firstly at a very general level
on the biosphere due to its domination of global biomass consumption,
proceeding through the cattle-specific annual planetary conflagrations as
people ignite the world’s grasslands to prevent reforestation. Lastly, we
look at more intimate and sometimes more indirect bovine impacts, like the
accelerated degradation of arable soil, the tens or hundreds of thousands of
children killed by cooking with dung, and the global increase in respiratory
and heart disease from ozone increases caused by rising methane levels.
Cattle are a major causal component in all these problems. The planet’s 1.4
billion cattle have a liveweight biomass exceeding that of humans and
dominate many of our adverse impacts on planetary eco-systems.
Eco footprints and plant growth
Over the past couple of decades, a variety of measures of our impact on the
planet have emerged. Eco-footprints seem to be the sexiest of these, with
great logos and a resonance with old folk-lore about treading lightly on the
planet. I’ve always felt this measure was conceptually flawed. Converting
things as different as what you had for breakfast along with electricity and
water usage into a square kilometer figure is bizarre. Happily, an older,
clearer measure is now making a comeback, thanks to the increasing power of
those remarkable spies in the skies, the satellites that between them can
weigh Antarctica, measure fire scars, spot ocean bottom trawling damage, and
check out which of your neighbors has a swimming pool.
The old measure is based on photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces plant
growth and underpins almost all life on the planet. Every year the planet
produces a huge quantity of plant growth, we eat some of it, other species
eat some of it, and the rest either forms long-lived things like trees, or
is more quickly broken down, returning its nutrients back to the soil, water
and air. How much of this growth do we use?
An Austrian team has been turning out some remarkable papers cutting and
dicing our usage in considerable detail using both satellite data and more
normal statistical sources. Initial work by Helmut Haberl and the team
culminated in a 2007 paper estimating that we use about 23.8 percent of the
planet’s annual plant growth … otherwise known by the catchy name of net
primary productivity (NPP). The language of the preceding sentence was a
little sloppy, … we don’t actually use all of this, but we certainly
appropriate it in ways that will slowly become clear.
NPP is measured as dry matter (DM). This is what’s left when you get rid of
the water. If you didn’t do this, 10 kilograms of water melon would count
the same as 10 kilograms of rice. The choice of this as a measurement unit
is important and sensible because dry matter plant material is about 50
percent carbon. This means you can easily convert between carbon and dry
matter quantities. So when I say that global NPP was 118.4 billion tonnes of
dry matter in 2000, this means that about 59.2 billion tonnes of carbon was
sucked out of the sky that year by plants using photosynthesis.
Even though this measure is conceptually clearer than eco-footprint areas,
there are plenty of gotchas which can trick new jugglers of these numbers.
First, only about half the NPP is above ground. So plenty is simply
unavailable. We dig out potatoes but not tree roots. So when you cut down a
tree for timber, the roots aren’t used, but they still count as
appropriated. This is reasonable because the tree certainly can’t use them
any more. Secondly, the NPP of an area isn’t fixed. Humans do things which
change the NPP of land. They pour on fertiliser and pump in water which
raises NPP. They pave paradise with parking lots or graze it to a dustbowl
and NPP drops to zero.
Reducing planetary productivity
The Austrians estimate our land degradation and pavement have reduced annual
global plant growth (NPP) by about 6.2 billion tonnes of carbon. That’s a
pretty significant number for a couple reasons. First, because it’s not that
much below the amount of fossil fuel carbon we emit annually … which is up
around 8 billion tonnes! Second, because its higher than the net annual land
clearance emissions of 1.47 billion tonnes. The estimated carbon released to
the atmosphere due to deforestation over the industrial period is 200
billion tonnes. These numbers indicate that managing the biosphere to draw
down a couple of decades of fossil fuel emissions is possible and we have
two mechanisms at our disposal: reforesting areas we have deforested and
thickening current vegetation … enhancing NPP. These mechanisms, used to
their theoretical maximum, won’t make rebuilding our energy infrastructure
unnecessary, but they can buy time. We shall see in part two of this post
that rebuilding and extending our energy infrastructure to poor nations is
probably essential if we are to successfully reforest the planet.
Biomass flows, global and local
Another Austrian permutation, headed this time by Fridolin Krausmann, has
done more work on these datasets and has produced biomass flow data with
breakdowns by country.
This shows that globally, we only eat about 12 percent of the 12.1 billion
tonnes of plant material that we either crop or have our livestock graze.
This provides 83 percent of global food calories. Livestock eat 58 percent
of that 12.1 billion tonnes and provide the other 17 percent of calories.
What about fish? Fish are just 1 percent of global calories and part of the
17 percent.
Note that the 12.1 billion tonnes doesn’t include biomass incinerated in
deliberately lit fires … this is important later on.
Australia, all by itself, appropriated 468 million tonnes of plant growth in
2000. We harvested it for paper, animal feed and timber and much else
besides. Our livestock eat about twice as much of what we harvest as we do
and that obviously counts as our appropriation. But they don’t just eat the
bulk of the harvest, they graze another 30 times more. But that’s not the
end of their impact.
Is livestock consumption exceeding plant growth?
In my last BNC post, I referred to an estimate just published as a
WorldWatch report that put the impact of livestock on greenhouse forcings at
about 51 percent of the global anthropogenic total. I didn’t analyse this
figure, but suggested it wasn’t unreasonable to think that land clearing,
feeding, watering, housing, slaughter, transport and cooking implicit in
dealing with 700 million tonnes of livestock biomass could conceivably be
responsible for half of the total climate impact of 335 million tonnes of
human biomass. But I was waiting for more expert analysis and still am. Many
of the additions over and above the 2006 Livestock’s Long Shadow (LLS)
estimate rely on close knowledge of the precise details of the FAO’s
statistical data collection processes.
But on theoretical grounds, one of the most contentious inclusions in the 51
percent figure is livestock respiration … the carbon dioxide that livestock
exhale. On the face of it, this seems plain wrong. All of the carbon dioxide
in livestock respiration comes from the atmosphere via photosynthesis in
plants. So it’s simply part of the carbon cycle. Isn’t it? The WorldWatch
authors have subsequently justified this a little further, re-citing
evidence given in LLS which states that animal respiration plus soil carbon
oxidation (co2 flowing into the atmosphere) exceeds the drawdown due to
photosynthesis by one or two billion tonnes of carbon annually. In many
cases it is livestock driving the loss of soil carbon by deforestation and
desertification and given that the planet’s 700 million tonnes of livestock
dwarf wildlife by a ratio of about 23:3, it is possible that the planet’s
total plant biomass may be shrinking under livestock’s onslaught. This is
the implication of the reduction of NPP noted above and the carbon flow
imbalance just mentioned.
I say may be shrinking because it’s tough to measure things like global
photosynthesis or global respiration, and the figures in LLS are not the
same as the figures in the Austrian work. Close, but not the same. But if
the respiration plus soil carbon losses really are outstripping
photosynthesis, then including at least some livestock respiration in the
ledger isn’t just reasonable, but mandatory.
Fire, soil and carbon inventories
In any case, not all parts of the carbon cycle are currently excluded from
national greenhouse inventories. Livestock methane is part of the carbon
cycle and everybody includes that in their inventories … for good reason.
Turning carbon dioxide (CO2) into methane (CH4) doesn’t increase the carbon
in the atmosphere but, in effect, puts it on steroids for a decade as far as
its warming effect is concerned.
Similar considerations apply to fire. Under IPCC accounting principles, CO2
emissions from fire are ignored unless the fire changes the underlying
vegetation. For example, a fire in a savanna doesn’t permanently change
anything, the grass comes back. But a fire that clears a tropical forest to
make a pasture results in a net permanent reduction in standing carbon (the
trees!) which is added to the atmosphere.
Deforestation also produces soil changes. Soil can be viewed as an organism
in its own right. Its microbial inhabitants transform soil matter and emit
or absorb the greenhouse gases that dominate our current concerns. There are
many types of soil and zillions of types of microbes in constant
evolutionary flux so getting a handle on what is happening is like holding a
bowl of jelly with chopsticks and no bowl.
Anyway, most tropical soils under forest act as methane sinks but lose this
property when the forest is gone. Similar results have recently been
demonstrated in Australia in temperate, Mediterranean and subtropical
regions. When paired sites at various stages of forest and pasture growth
were compared, the trend was for nitrous oxide emissions to be lower from
forests than pasture, with methane absorption also lower in pasture than in
forests. So forests did more of what we want than pastures in both cases.
Again, this is complex soil chemistry and other studies have found the
opposite with regard to nitrous oxide.
Back in 2006 a study shocked the scientific community by claiming that
living plants can produce methane. This prompted an immediate claim from a
New Zealand scientist, probably with an eye on his local sheep industry, to
claim that forests may have produced as much methane as the ruminants which
displaced them. Unfortunately for the New Zealand sheep industry, someone
was rude enough to actually do the calculations, and based on the proposed
new methane source, show that the livestock emissions were 16 times bigger
than the forests they replaced. As it turns out, it seems plants don’t
produce methane, but they can transport methane generated in the soil.
The unquantified false claim about ruminants producing less methane than the
forests they replaced is a great example of an idea which sounded plausible
until the numbers showed otherwise. I’ve written previously about Tim
Flannery’s plans to provide abundant meat to the planet by expanding cattle
production. This is another example of a plan that becomes laughable (or
more correctly cryable) when you do the numbers.
Apart from the fact that the current 1.4 billion cattle provide just 1.4
percent of global calories, the injection of another 96 million tonnes of
methane into the atmosphere by providing Australian levels of beef to most
of the planet (excluding India) would make winding back climate forcings
even harder than it is presently.
Apart from any nitrous oxide that may be emitted by soils, once cattle are
added to the pasture, the nitrous oxide emissions from the cattle droppings
are substantial. A global study estimated that livestock waste represents
30-50 percent of global agricultural nitrous oxide emissions. This is in
addition to the emissions from the feed crops, many of which are now
fertilised with nitrogenous fertiliser.
Note that for either a savanna fire or a forest fire, the methane and black
carbon from the fires generate net climate warming. Methane, and a few other
gases from such fires are recorded in national greenhouse inventories, but
black carbon isn’t because it isn’t regulated by the Kyoto protocol. More on
black carbon later. Methane from savanna burning is listed by Australia in
its greenhouse inventory, but not by some developing countries, even when
they do massive amounts of burning. For example, Sudan lists no methane from
savanna burning in its only communication with the UNFCC in 2003, but
Nigeria and Ethiopia do.
Burning for fun and profit
In most places in the world, most fires (80-90 percent) are deliberately lit
by people. The major exceptions are Russia, the US and Canada where Boreal
forests are regularly ignited by lightning. Australia has some of these
kinds of fires also, but less commonly because we have less lightening.
Most lightning runs from cloud to cloud, so is irrelevant to ground fires
and, as far as I know, satellites can’t pick a ground strike from a cloud to
cloud flash, and this map (despite the title) is actually of flashes, not
ground strikes.
Tim Flannery recently speculated that removing or reducing herbivores would
lead to more fires and a paper last year pointed out that wildfire and
insects have turned Canadian forests into a source of carbon rather than a
sink. The same paper estimates that the historical deforestation of the
planet has added 200 billion tonnes of carbon to the atomosphere. Can
everybody see the blazing flaming contradiction here? If we had 200 billion
tonnes of carbon worth of forests before we deforested the planet for
livestock and the much smaller areas that we crop and live on, where were
all the wildfires back then? Certainly we had no firefighting planes and
helicopters back when those billions of tonnes of forest were standing.
Certainly we had no huge armies of cattle and sheep in Australia at the time
before we cleared 100 million hectares. Why didn’t fires burn it all back
then? Maybe we did have more natural fires, but with so much more forest,
the carbon impact was of no consequence.
The main traditional driver of deliberate human fires has been to clear land
and keep it cleared for livestock grazing or cropping. The latter is usually
called slash and burn, or shifting cultivation. It’s a cheap and effective
method. The collateral damage is generally limited to wildlife and provided
Steve Parish has been and taken his pictures for all those airport tourist
calendars, what other use does wildlife have? Traditionally, hunting
wildlife was the third prime driver of burning. We shall see below that
scientists estimate that currently about 2/3 of burning is for livestock
From a climate perspective, all three kinds of fires represent foregone
biosequestration, with the first being a direct climate cost of livestock.
More recent work in the Austrian series refines the estimates of biomass
burned through anthropogenic fires with better estimates on the type of
burning and better country level breakdowns. Lauk and Erb’s estimates slice
fires into two kinds: big fires and little fires. The big fires are almost
entirely the livestock fires we have discussed. The small fires are shifting
cultivation … plant food fires.
Estimating the extent and impacts of both is difficult and only possible
because of new datasets on global vegetation. The satellite data showing
what is on the ground can be compared to other global data on potential
vegetation and also with satellite data on burn scars and actual fire
detection using thermal imaging. Big brother is not just watching you, but
watching your back paddock as well. The data on potential vegetation is
derived from a global vegetation model which models a raft of processes
using input such as current cover, soil type data, temperature and rainfall.
Globally, the big fires release about 2.5 billion tonnes of carbon. N.B.
this is a carbon figure. The small fires release between 1 and 1.4 billion
tonnes of carbon. There is a largish range because it’s much tougher to
estimate the small fires.
If this carbon was balanced by photosynthesis it wouldn’t be a problem would
it? Yes and no. Provided the quantity burned each year is constant and
vegetation levels are globally maintained, then it’s not causing a net
carbon increase in the atmosphere. But are both these quantities constant?
The technology is a long way short of giving a real-time read out. Most of
the figures I’m presenting are for a single year, 2000. The fires will of
course put additional carbon on steroids and produce plenty of other
nasties. The Edgar methane inventory lists methane from savanna burning at
about 7 million tonnes, probably a little under the true value, but close.
This is equivalent to a population of about 60 million cattle grass fed
Cattle conflagration
Included in the total of plant growth appropriated by Australia is biomass
we deliberately just burned. Apart from firewood, most burning in Australia
is in deliberate fires set in large regions in the north of Australia every
year. The now renamed Australian Greenhouse Office calculated that some 75
percent of this burning was for cattle. This is pasture burned to keep
forest regrowth at bay. We are, of course, happy for Indonesians and
Brazilians to have tropical forests, but we’d rather do something more
useful with our northern regions than merely mop up carbon and provide
habitat for wildlife. So we set fire to it. Rainforests can and are
expanding in North Queensland into areas no longer subject to human burning.
In other areas of tropical Queensland grasslands have changed to closed
forests with the cessation of human burning.
That mass of top end burning counts as part of the Australia’s total
appropriation of 468 million tonnes of plant growth. How big a part? About
40 percent … some 139 million tonnes DM. All up, we burn slightly more
biomass in northern Australia than our livestock graze over the entire
continent during the whole year.
But in the burning stakes (or should that be steaks), we are small fry. The
global burning picture is massive and has implications for both climate
change and food security. Here is a MODIS satellite fire map from the end of
July 2009. It’s worth visiting the NASA website to look at when different
regions of the planet get burned. Higher resolution maps would show
individual fires and not the solid contiguous region that is shown in this
What could limits on global burning regimes do? Globally, we burn about 3.7
billion tons of dry matter annually. If we reduced this burning to perhaps 2
billion tons, which is possible (but hard) and desirable for many reasons,
then we could absorb about 1 billion tons of carbon. In the first year we
did this, we would sequester about an eighth of the fossil fuel carbon
emitted each year. As time went on, forests would regrow and absorption
rates would slowly fall. As a mitigation strategy, this is significant. Not
a single handed planet saver, but useful.
Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer
programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. His recently published
book is CSIRO Perfidy.
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