Dr. Michael Greger
April 2011
[Ed. Note: Visit Environmental Articles to read more about the impacts on our air, land and water caused by the breeding, rearing, raising and slaughter of more than 10 billion land animals every year, just in the U.S. The evidence for ALL the good reasons for going vegan continues to grow!]
Adverse health effects related to exposure to these contaminants among CAFO workers have been well-documented; however, less is known about their impact on the health of residents in nearby communities.
Large-scale farm animal production facilities, also known as concentrated
animal feeding operations (CAFOs), release a significant amount of
contaminants into the air and water. Adverse health effects related to
exposure to these contaminants among CAFO workers have been well-documented;
however, less is known about their impact on the health of residents in
nearby communities.
Epidemiological research in this area suggests that neighboring residents
are at increased risk of developing neurobehavioral symptoms and respiratory
illnesses, including asthma. Additional research is needed to better
understand community-scale exposures and health outcomes related to the
management practices and emissions of CAFOs. Key words: agriculture, air
pollution, animals, concentration animal feeding operations, public health,
water pollution.
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