Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D., Jewish Veg
July 2011
Global catastrophe or sustainable future? It will
depend largely on our food choices!
Synopsis: The world is rapidly approaching an unprecedented catastrophe from
global climate change and other environmental threats, and a major societal
shift to plant-based (vegan) diets is an essential part of the necessary
responses to avoid that catastrophe. Since methane emitted by farmed animals
is in the atmosphere for less than 20 years and is 72 times as potent as a
greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide during that time, reducing the number of
farmed animals would have a major, rapid effect in reducing climate change.
A major shift to plant-centered diets would have many other benefits,
including reducing diseases, hunger, water and energy shortages, rapid
species extinction, water pollution, destruction of rainforests and other
valuable habitats and soil erosion and depletion.
Global catastrophe or sustainable future? It will depend largely on our
food choices!
It may seem naïve to argue that dietary shifts can make a major difference
in responding to today's many crises, but if we stopped raising the current
60 billion farmed animals that are slaughtered annually worldwide, it would
make a tremendous difference with regard to many, if not all, of today's
current problems. Let us consider how.
First, it is important to recognize that the world is rapidly heading toward
an unprecedented catastrophe from global climate change and other
environmental threats. There are almost weekly reports of severe droughts,
heat waves, storms, flooding, wildfires and meltings of polar icecaps and
glaciers. [1] While these events have occurred due to an average temperature
increase of less than 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 100 years, global
climate scientists, including those with the Nobel Prize-winning UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), are projecting an increase
of from 3 to 11 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 100 years [2], which would
have devastating effects on humanity and all of life on the planet.
And we are talking about threats that must be addressed very soon. Some
climate scientists, including James Hansen, director of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Institute for Space
Studies, are warning that global warming could reach a tipping point and
spin out of control within a few years, with disastrous consequences, unless
major changes soon occur. [3] Scientists at the February, 2009 annual
meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science indicated
that global warming will likely increase more rapidly than expected because
greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) have increased faster than recent
predictions and increased temperatures are setting off positive feedback
(self-reinforcing) mechanisms in global ecosystems. [4]
There is increasing awareness of the need to make major changes in many
phases of society to reduce global climate change. However, most lists of
recommendations ignore or give little attention to the impact of our diets
on GHGs. A landmark 2006 report by the United Nations Food and Agricultural
Organization estimated that livestock production globally is responsible for
more GHGs (in CO2 equivalents) than the world's entire transportation sector
combined (18 percent of worldwide anthropogenic GHGs for livestock vs. 13.5
percent for transportation). [5] The report, “Livestock's Long Shadow,” also
projects that the world's current population of about 60 billion farmed
animals will double in 50 years if human population growth and dietary
trends continue. [6] The resulting increase in GHGs would largely negate
reduced GHG emissions from improved efficiencies in transportation,
electricity and other sectors and conservation steps, and make it extremely
difficult, if not impossible, to reach the GHG reductions that climate
experts think are essential to avoid a climate disaster.
Expert recognition of the importance of diet in preventing global warming is
growing. In the Fall of 2008, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of the IPCC,
which shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore in 2008, called on people in
the developed world to "give up meat for one day [a week] initially, and
decrease [meat consumption] from there.” [7] More recently, James Hansen,
perhaps the most prominent scientific advocate of aggressive action against
global warming -- told an interviewer:
... if you eat further down on the food chain rather than animals, which have produced many greenhouse gases, and used much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything. So, that, in terms of individual action, is perhaps the best thing you can do. [8]
The main reason that animal agriculture's contribution is so great is that
farmed animals, especially cattle and other ruminants, emit methane as part
of their digestive processes (belching and farting) and methane is about 23
times as potent as CO2 in producing global warming, when standard 100 year
periods are considered. [9] However, since most methane survives in the
atmosphere for less than 20 years, if a 20 year period is considered,
methane is about 72 times as potent as CO2. [10] By contrast, CO2 is in the
atmosphere for hundreds of years and its impact is reduced by the
predominantly cooling aerosols emitted by typical CO2 sources like
smokestacks and tailpipes. [11]
Since methane contributes a significant amount of GHGs (in CO2 equivalents)
[12] and since farmed animals and their manure are by far the major source
of methane, and since methane is in the atmosphere for only a short time, a
major societal shift to plant-based diets would have a substantial and very
rapid effect in reducing global climate change. Having major world leaders
call for such a change, preferably after publicly announcing suitable
changes in their own diets, could very dramatically increase awareness of
the threats of global warming and the need for major dietary and other
lifestyle changes. Such changes could provide some breathing space, during
which other important changes could be made.
Additional factors that make switches to plant-based diets even more
important are: (1) the production of animal products causes about nine
percent of total CO2 emissions, from the production of pesticides and
fertilizer, use of irrigation pumps, extensive refrigeration and other
processes; [13] (2) nitrous oxides are emitted from animals' manure and from
chemical fertilizer used to grow feed crops and these gases are almost 300
times as potent as CO2 in producing warming; [14] (3) the burning of
rainforests to create grazing land and land to grow feed crops for animals
also releases substantial CO2 and also destroys trees that would absorb CO2;
[15] (4) because they feast on the charred remains of these trees, termites
are perhaps the fastest growing animal species on the planet, and they also
emit methane as part of their digestive processes. [16] Taking all of the
above factors into account, the UN FAO estimate that animal agriculture
emits 18 percent of anthropogenic GHGs (in CO2 equivalents) is arguably
significantly lower than the true number, as incredible as the 18 percent
value is when one considers all the cars, trucks, buses, planes, ships and
other means of transportation worldwide.
Major shifts to vegan diets would also provide substantial relief to many
other threats to humanity:
In view of the above and more, the world's people face a major choice. We
can continue basically with current practices as the world continues on its
increasingly rapid path to an unparalleled cataclysm. Or we can adopt
healthy plant-based diets and other practices that can help shift our very
imperiled world to a sustainable path. If we fail to act and soon, how will
we explain our inaction to future generations?
1. See, for example,
“Climate Change, Global risks, challenges & decisions,”
Copenhagen 10-12 March, 2009, University of Copenhagen, Denmark,
“Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth
Assessment Report,” February, 2007.
James Hansen, “Tipping Point: Perspective of a Climatologist,” 2008=2009
State of the World, 6,
4. American Association for the Advancement of Science, February, 2009
annual conference, Public release, “Climate change likely to be more
devastating than experts predicted, warns top IPCC scientist,”
FAO Newsroom, “Livestock a major threat to environment,” November 29.
6. Ibid.
Juliette Jowitt, “UN says eat less meat to curb global warming,” The
Observer, September 7, 2008,
8. Be Veg! Go Green! Save the Planet, February 8, 2008,
“Dr. James Hansen: “We have only four years left to act on climate change,”
Noam Mohr, “A New Global Warming Strategy:
How Environmentalists are Overlooking Vegetarianism as the Most Effective
Tool Against Climate Change in Our Lifetimes,” Earthsave,
Supreme Master TV Video, “Methane __ 72 Times the Warming Potential of
CO2,” June, 2009,
11. Same as #9
12. Ibid.
13. UN News Centre Report, “Rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases
than driving cars, UN report warns,
14. Ibid.
“Burning rainforests, melting tundra could accelerate global warming
well beyond current projections.”, February 16, 2009
16. Greg Brockberg, “Termites as a Source of Atmospheric Methane,”
UN FAO Report, “1.02 billion people hungry; one sixth of humanity
malnourished - more than ever before.” June 19, 2009,
18. “Our Food, Our World,” Earthsave Foundation, 1992, p.6.
19. ”Eating up the World: the Environmental Consequences of Human Food
Choices,” 16 page booklet, Vegetarian Network Victoria, 2009,
20., “Wasted Resources - Food,”
21. Paul Kedrosky, “Lester Brown on the Coming Food Crisis (Again),
Infectious Greed, May 20, 2009,
Dan Vergano, “Water shortages will leave world in dire straits,” USA
Today, January 26, 2003,
23. Michael McCarthy, “The Century of Drought" One third of the planet will be
desert by the year 2100, say climate experts in the most dire warning yet of the effects
of global warming,” Common Dreams , October 4, 2006,
24. Brad Johnson, The Wonk Room, “Global Boiling: In California It's 'Fire
Season All Year Round,'”
Kristin Underwood, “Australia's Drought Worsens,” Treehugger, February 9, 2008,
Also: “Report: Climate Change 2009 - Faster Change and More Serious Risks,”
Australian Government Department of Climate Change, July 9, 2009,
Jewish Telegraphic Agency Report, “Israel halts Sea of Galilee water
pumping, January 22, 2009,
Tell Youth the Truth, “Animal Agriculture Equates to Wasted Resources
and environmental Degradation,”
28. “The Browning of America,: Newsweek, February 22, 1981, p. 26.
John Timmer, ars technia, “Ex-military leaders call climate change a
national security issue,” May 28, 2007,
30. Jacl Burton, “Climate Change as Catalyst for War: Can We Stop the
World's Water Crisis or Is Darfur Only the Beginning,” Suite, February 11, 2008,
31. Crede Calhound, “Kids Can Help Save the Rainforest,”
John Roach, “Seafood May Be Gone by 2048, Study Says,” National
Geographic News, November 2, 2006,
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids