May 2009
The results of the study showed a positive relationship between the degree of disturbance and the recovery time. However, this was entirely determined by the type of ecosystem.
A recent study by Yale University's School of Forestry and Environmental
Studies reports that if humans commit to the restoration effort, most
ecosystems can recover from very major disruption within decades to
half-centuries. The study was written by Holly P. Jones and Oswald J.
Schmitz and will appear in the June edition of the journal PLoS ONE.
According to the study, researchers compiled information from 240
independent studies conducted since 1910 that examined large, human-scale
ecosystems recovery following the termination of both human and naturally
imposed disruption.
Researchers grouped the data into seven broad aquatic and terrestrial types
of ecosystems, and disruptions such as deforestation, hurricane, invasive
species, oil spoils, power plant and sea trawling. Most of the studies
measured multiple response variables, which researched grouped into three
categories: ecosystem function, animal community, and plant community. The
researchers evaluated the recovery of each of the variables in terms of the
time it took for them to return to their original state as determined by
each study's author. The study also assessed whether recovery times were
related to the magnitude of the disturbance.
Reportedly, 83 studies demonstrated recovery for all variables; 90
demonstrated a mixture of recovered and non-recovered variables; 67
demonstrated no recovery for any variable; and 15 percent of all the
ecosystems in the analysis are beyond recovery. The average recovery time
was 20 years or less, and reportedly did not exceed more than 56 years. It
was found that recovery from human disturbances was slower than natural
disturbances, such as hurricanes. Recovery following agricultural, logging,
and multiple stressors was significantly slower than all of other
disturbance types.
The results of the study showed a positive relationship between the degree
of disturbance and the recovery time. However, this was entirely determined
by the type of ecosystem. For instance, the study states that aquatic system
recovered much faster than terrestrial. Researchers noted that aquatic
systems may recover more quickly because species and organisms that inhabit
them turn over more rapidly. For instance, forests took the longest to
recover due to the fact that forest inhabitants take longer to regenerate
after logging or clear-cutting.
One potential pitfall of the study is that the uncertainty of the systems
original state. The study explains that major disturbances such mass
extinction combined with lower level disturbances such as pollution or
climate change could create a baseline far removed from the historical
natural state.
Jones and Schmitz concluded that "recovery is possible and can be rapid for
many ecosystems, giving much hope for humankind to transition to sustainable
management of global ecosystems."
To view the entire research article by Jones and Schmitz, visit
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