Judas Wolves - Wildlife Services' Sick Killing Strategy
A Meat and Dairy Industries Article from All-Creatures.org


Center for Biological Diversity
March 2016

[NOTE from All-Creatures.org: Wildlife Services is a government program that kills millions of wild animals yearly because people raising cattle, sheep and goats for human consumption want all wildlife decimated.]

A Judas wolf is one that's fitted with a radio collar and then used to repeatedly lead government killers back to his or her own family. These wolves are then forced to watch their mate and pups get gunned down around them, while they're left alive to lead the wolf killers to a new pack next season. Then, if they're lucky enough to eventually find a new mate and start a new family, the killers find them again and repeat the slaughter.

We've just learned that Wildlife Services, the federal animal-killing program, is using "Judas" wolves to betray the location of their wolf families in Idaho so that aerial shooters can wipe them out.

It's a sick trick that shows how low these killers will sink to slaughter wildlife. We need your help to stop them.

A Judas wolf is one that's fitted with a radio collar and then used to repeatedly lead government killers back to his or her own family. These wolves are then forced to watch their mate and pups get gunned down around them, while they're left alive to lead the wolf killers to a new pack next season. Then, if they're lucky enough to eventually find a new mate and start a new family, the killers find them again and repeat the slaughter.

Wildlife Services -- operating behind a veil of secrecy in collusion with Idaho Gov. Butch Otter and Idaho Fish and Game -- is behind this perverse practice. The Center is committed to stopping it. Please, help us with a gift to the Stop Wildlife Services Fund today.

The Judas scheme -- officially called "collaring for later control" -- uses unsuspecting wolves to betray family and friends over and over until the day they die, or the batteries in their collars run down.

Wolves are intelligent, sensitive, social animals with strong families. Don't let Idaho and Wildlife Services use that against them. We've launched a full-on legal battle to end this. Your contribution to the Stop Wildlife Services Fund will help us take them down and end tragic and cruel abuses like Judas wolves.

Four years isn't a long time, but it's the average life expectancy of a radio-collar battery -- and also, pitifully, the average life span of a wolf under Idaho and Wildlife Services management. All it takes is a state order to set these killings in motion.

Only someone like Gov. Butch Otter and his anti-wildlife cronies could endorse a disgusting killing strategy like this. Help us bring an end to it. Please donate to the Center's Stop Wildlife Services Fund.

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