New COK Dairy Investigation Reveals the Shocking Nightmares Behind Nestlé
A Meat and Dairy Industries Article from

FROM COK Compassion Over Killing
April 2019

Working at Martin Farms, a dairy factory farm in Pennsylvania, our investigator documented senseless and violent abuse of mother cows and their defenseless calves.

dairy cow

Though Nestlé advertises “Good food, Good life,” Compassion Over Killing's new gut-wrenching video reveals that life is anything but good for gentle dairy cows in the company's supply chain.

Working at Martin Farms, a dairy factory farm in Pennsylvania, our investigator documented senseless and violent abuse of mother cows and their defenseless calves.

Exposing some of the worst abuse we've ever seen, as well as brutal yet standard practices of the cold, cruel dairy industry, this heartbreaking footage reveals what Nestlé doesn't want you to see.

Our investigator followed a truck from Martin Farms to a Nestlé ice cream facility, maker of Dreyer’s, Edy’s, Häagen-Dazs and other major brands.

COK's undercover video reveals:

  • ”Downed” cows (unable to walk or stand) abused, killed, and butchered on site, the meat distributed to workers in garbage bags
  • A manager shooting a “downed” cow in the head, who remains conscious for nearly a minute after the first shot
  • A manager stabbing a cow without pain relief, in a botched attempt to supposedly treat a stomach ailment.
  • Workers spraying cows in the face with scalding hot water to force them to move faster
  • Cows, many sick and injured, being hit, stomped on, or kicked by workers
  • Cows suffering bloody, painful uterine prolapses and open sores denied vet care

COK has submitted evidence to authorities and is encouraging prompt enforcement action. When alerted to the abuse documented, Nestlé responded that it immediately severed ties with Martin Farms. However, the company has still failed to address the systemic nature of the issues our investigation uncovered.

WATCH Dairy's hard-to-swallow truth: Much of the cruelty in this video is "standard agricultural practices."

Baby calves at 94% of U.S. dairies endure red-hot irons burned into their flesh to destroy horns and growth tissue. Calves at Martin Farms are tied up as the iron's pressed into their sensitive nerves for several agonizing minutes - with no pain relief.

We’re demanding that Nestlé end this cruel, unnecessary practice of horn removal, and urging the corporation to shift toward more vegan products.

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