May 2016
Watch Chicks Ground Up Alive (3:44) Thrown, dropped, mutilated, and ground-up alive. This is the shocking reality faced by 150,000 male of chicks every day at the world's largest egg-laying breed hatchery.
A high court affirmed this decision, arguing that German law allows the killing of animals if it can be justified economically and that chick shredding is “…part of the process for providing the population with eggs and meat.” An agricultural minister from Northern Germany disagreed with the decision, stating “We must finally stop treating animals like garbage.”
The German parliament recently voted against a Green Party bill that would have banned the practice of killing newborn male chicks in the egg industry. According to a spokesman from the ruling Christian Democratic Union Party, the decision was made out of fear that “…animal production will move to another country.” A high court affirmed this decision, arguing that German law allows the killing of animals if it can be justified economically and that chick shredding is “…part of the process for providing the population with eggs and meat.” An agricultural minister from Northern Germany disagreed with the decision, stating “We must finally stop treating animals like garbage.”
Since male chicks cannot lay eggs or be profitably raised for meat, they are usually killed within hours of hatching. The most common methods are grinding them up alive (maceration), gassing, electrocution or suffocation by stuffing them into garbage bags. In Germany, approximately 40 million newborn male chicks are killed every year. Worldwide, the number is estimated to be 2.5 billion.
“If killing millions of newborns doesn’t violate the animal protection
laws of a country widely perceived as being on the forefront of animal
welfare reform, then one can only imagine what farm animal practices are
legal in countries like the U.S.,” said Karen Davis, President of United
Poultry Concerns, a national advocacy group that promotes the compassionate
and respectful treatment of domestic fowl. “It is thus interesting that the
U.S. egg industry trade group, United Egg Producers (UEP), has just
announced it will, by 2020, replace the killing of newborn male chicks with
‘in-ovo egg sexing,’ a process in which the sex of chicks is identified
before they develop inside of their eggs.”
UEP’s announcement was made in response to a campaign by The Humane League,
a national animal advocacy organization that works to protect animals
through public education, campaigns and rescue.
In response to the news, Davis said, “While in-ovo chick sexing must surely
be less inhumane than the mass-extermination of fully developed chicks, it
does not eliminate the inherent cruelty of commercial egg production.”
The practice of chick shredding has generated tremendous controversy worldwide in recent years. In June, 2015, Israeli animal rights activists occupied a hatchery and shut off a macerator that was grinding newborn chicks. When police arrived at the scene, activist Tal Gilboa challenged an officer, saying “I want to see you, as a human being regardless of your uniform, cop or no cop, turn on the power supply.” The video of this act of civil disobedience was viewed over two million times on Facebook.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids