Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
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We are dedicated to providing information, inspiration, images, poetry and articles about cruelty-free living through a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. Unconditional love and compassion is the foundation of our peaceful means of accomplishing this goal for ALL of God's creatures.
Regular Site Features
Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
25 Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Good News for Animals
Delay Announced for Wild Horse Roundup in Nevada
Seals To Be Given Better Protection as Marine Bill Passed by Scottish Parliament
Chemnutra Owners Sentenced for Melamine-Tainted Pet Food
Dennis Kucinich on Being Vegan
Animal Stories & Poetry
Animal Rights Articles and Items of Interest
Animal Parts: High Style or Just Plain Beastly?
Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys
Recycled Fur Coats Become Animal Nests
Trespassing Charges for Helping Dogs?
Eagles Getting Sick on Food They Eat
Susan Boyle Turns Down 10 Million Pound Mansion for Cat's Sake
Action Alerts
Fickle Court Now Says Okay To Primates-For-Research Farm
FLOCK May Finally Go on Trial for the Tragedy in Pahrump
Baby Elephant Used by Ringling Infected With Deadly Virus
Stop New Jersey Deer Hunt. Killing Is No Solution.
Recipe - Let no animal die that we may live!
Black Sticky Rice Pudding with Plantain and Orange
This week�s sermon
We Too Can Be Transfigured
(Sermons are formatted for easy delivery and sharing)
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The calf photo on these pages is from Farm Sanctuary with our thanks.
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All Creatures Animal Rights Article: justice, peace, love, compassion, ethics, organizations, Bible, God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, grass roots, animals, cruelty free, lifestyle, hunting, fishing, traping, farm, farming, factory, fur, meat, slaughter, cattle, beef, pork, chicken, poultry, hens, battery, debeaking. Thee is also a similarity to the human aspects of prolife, pro life, pro-life, abortion, capital punishment, and war.
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