Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
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We are dedicated to providing information, inspiration, images, poetry and articles about cruelty-free living through a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. Unconditional love and compassion is the foundation of our peaceful means of accomplishing this goal for ALL of God's creatures.
Regular Site Features
Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
27 Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Good News for Animals
Tennessee Horse Slaughter Bill to be Withdrawn
Michigan Woman Faces Down Meat Industry, Wins
Key Supporter of �Animal Enterprise Terrorism� Law Suspended for Animal Welfare Violations
Animal Stories & Poetry
Bumper Saved by 4H Participant
More Stories | More Animal Rights Poetry | More Spiritual Poetry
Animal Rights Articles and Items of Interest
You Can't Be a Meat-Eating Environmentalist
'Peace' Chickens Bred to Avoid Farm Cannibalism
CAFOs: An Unregulated Assault on the Air & Water
Kentucky Derby: Trainers Focused More on Their Reputations than Their Horses
Biblical Literalism: Some Perplexing Interpretations, Especially The Animal Sacrifice Issue
The African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem are Vegans
Bat White Nose Syndrome Spreading Fast Across The US
Two Bullfighters Severely Gored in a Rough Weekend for Matadors
Action Alerts
Support H.R. 5092 - Crush Act Amendment
Yellowstone's Newborn Bison in Danger
Tell Congress to End BLM Roundups of Our Wild Horses
Urge the Rabbinate to Uphold Promise to Phase Out "Shackle and Hoist"
Add Protections to Kemp's Ridley Nesting Beaches
Recipe - Let no animal die that we may live!
Molasses Banana Raisin Carob Frozen Pudding
This week�s sermon
Standing Firm When Everyone Else Seems To Be Turning Away
(Sermons are formatted for easy delivery and sharing)
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The calf photo on these pages is from Farm Sanctuary with our thanks.
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All Creatures Animal Rights Article: justice, peace, love, compassion, ethics, organizations, Bible, God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, grass roots, animals, cruelty free, lifestyle, hunting, fishing, traping, farm, farming, factory, fur, meat, slaughter, cattle, beef, pork, chicken, poultry, hens, battery, debeaking. Thee is also a similarity to the human aspects of prolife, pro life, pro-life, abortion, capital punishment, and war.
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