Regular Site Features
- Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
- Calendar of Events
- Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
- Vegan and Animal Rights Radio Shows and Podcasts
- Video Library
Good News for Animals
- Another city bans bullhooks
- 600 reptiles and 18,000 rats saved from Global Captive Breeders
- A New Year’s Resolution That Makes Sense: Introducing “The Pushy Vegan Campaign”
This Week’s Sermon
Animal Stories & Poetry
More Stories | More Animal Rights Poetry | More Spiritual Poetry
Animal Rights Articles and Items of Interest
- Time for a Cease-Fire: Another Look at "Sustainable" Animal Farming
- On the End of the World
- Our Culture’s Defining Dilemma: Our Violence Toward Children (Of All Species)
- Animal Rights, Respect for All Life and Human Violence
- Vegetarian and Vegan Association (VAVA) (new HOSTED website)
- Animal Padre's Christians Against All Animal Abuse, Winter Newsletter
- Animals In Print, December Newsletter
- This I Believe: A Statement About My Religious Beliefs
Action Alerts
Sign up for TEXT ALERTS from All-Creatures
- Take Action to Put Animals Back in the Animal Welfare Act!
- Thank Snohomish County Council (WA) for their unanimous vote to ban horse slaughter
- Tell Veterinarians: Devocalization is Mutilation!
Recipes - Let No Animal Die That We May Live!
- Plantain and Brown Rice with Corn, Onions, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Raisins, and Spice
- Veggies with Black Bean and Salsa Dip
Please visit our site, link to our site and spread the message about caring for all of God’s creatures.