SAEN Michael Budkie monkey vivisection Harvard
bullhook elephant have trunk


Welcome to the Newsletter for April 25, 2013

 Good News for Animals

Harvard Announces Closure of Primate Research Center
California Ag-Gag Bill is Dead

 Action Alerts

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week
International Respect for Chickens Day, May 4, 2013
OPPOSE Renewing Have Trunk Will Travel's Wildlife License
End Horse Slaughter - Always Cruel, For Any Reason
Goldstar Selling Discount Tickets to Ringling Bros. Circus
Halt Toxic Dumping In Our Oceans
Gaylord Palms Hotel Keeping Baby and Adult Alligators in Hotel Atrium

 Sermon and Blog

Living as Disciples of Jesus
All-Creatures Blog

 Stories and Poetry

If I kill a Dog
He Kept Me Alive in Afghanistan

 Articles and Items of Interest

Today is Earth Day
The Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research
Justin Bieber�s monkey fever
Defending Animals from Cultural Bias and Journalistic Integrity
Something's Fishy
146 Cows Just Rescued from Slaughter in Gorantla, India

 Recipes - Let No Animal Die That We May Live!

Curried Cabbage and Sweet Potato Soup
Cranberry Orange Upside-Down Cake
Vegan Recipe Book

 Regular Site Features

Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Vegan and Animal Rights Radio Shows and Podcasts
Video Library

 The Mary T. & Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family FoundationPlease visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others.

If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!

In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
Thank you for visiting