CITES white tipped shark Sea Shepherd
lab rat mouse vivisection laboratory


Welcome to the Newsletter for May 2, 2013

 Good News for Animals

CITES � Victory of Good Over Evil
Amy Meyer�s Ag-Gag Charges Have Been Dropped!
Nineteen sored horses seized; trainer charged with felony animal cruelty
Four Roosters Rescued from Bloodsport
U.K. to Ban Wild Animals in Traveling Circuses
Prison time for evil Grimsby animal cruelty gang

 Action Alerts

Get Text Alerts from All-Creatures
Save Lives by Supporting Greyhound Injury Reporting
�Art� Student Tortures a Chicken to Death in School Cafeteria
Target U.S. Bank - HLS Lender, Investor In Cruelty
American Meat Producer Says Chickens Don�t Feel Pain

 Sermon and Blog

Praise the Lord All Creation
All-Creatures Blog

 Stories and Poetry

The Day Everything Changed
The Children Are Watching
The Unpaid Circus Worker

 Articles and Items of Interest

A Day for Lab Animals
H7N9 Has Escaped from China
Don't Fall in Love With Your Monkey
Why being vegan rocks
Vegans�Not Hunters�Are the Best Environmentalists
Zoonosis: A Most Terrifying Word

 Recipes - Let No Animal Die That We May Live!

Lentil Apricot Soup (Armenian Style) Version 2
Broccoli and Tofu with Spiced Carrot Orange Sauce
Vegan Recipe Book

 Regular Site Features

Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Vegan and Animal Rights Radio Shows and Podcasts
Video Library

 The Mary T. & Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family FoundationPlease visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others.

If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!

In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
Thank you for visiting