Welcome to the
All-Creatures.org Newsletter for
August 8, 2013
Good News for Animals
Blackfish Documentary Exposes Negligence, Corruption in SeaWorld's Quest for Profit
Italy Passes Sweeping Reforms for Animals in Laboratories
Lawsuit Filed to Block Horse Slaughter
North Carolina Ag Gag Bill Fails this Session
Dr. McDougall’s Ten Favorite One-Liners
North Carolina Ag Gag Bill Fails this Session
Seven Lucky Ongole Bulls Saved from slaughter after Traffic Accident
Action Alets
Get Text Alerts from All-Creatures
Protect Southwest's Jaguar Habitat
Tell USDA: Act Now to Safeguard Elephant Nosey
End Private Ownership of Primates
NFL player just bought a tiny tiger
Sermon and Blog
Living in God’s Heavenly Will
All-Creatures Blog
Stories and Poetry
Would You?
Your Essence
Articles and Items of Interest
Saving the World With Livestock? The Allan Savory Approach Examined
Remembering 1975 Project Bangkok Airport
“They’re Sacred Animals”
If You Love Prairie Dogs, You Need To Read This
Are Pennies Worth It?
Why are Children Cheering Cruelty?
Meet a Manatee: Doc
Is eating grass-fed, certified organic meat healthier?
Rotten Egg Cartel Kills Hens to Fix Prices, Pays $28 Million to Settle Suit
Are Pigs as Smart as Dogs and Does It Really Matter? Recipes - Let No Animal Die That We May Live!
Smoothie with Cantaloupe, Collard Greens, and Banana
Mini Spinach Uncheese Pizzas
Vegan Recipe Library
Regular Site Features
Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Vegan and Animal Rights Radio Shows and Podcasts
Video Library
The Mary T. & Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
Please visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others.
If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary