Welcome to the
All-Creatures.org Newsletter for
September 5, 2013
Good News for Animals
No Bull Run at Canterbury!
Two Victories for Southwestern Wolves
Dog Race Gambling Drops for Twenty Years in a Row
Action Alets
Get Text Alerts from All-Creatures
End Chickens as Kaporos
Get serious about the protection and conservation of elephants - before it's too late
Contact Danish Embassies: STOP the senseless and barbaric killing of precious marine wildlife
Tell USDA to Stop Public Contact with Captive Wildlife
Sermon and Blog
God Requires True Repentance
All-Creatures Blog
Stories and Poetry and Art
Please Don't Turn Away
New Tree Squirrel Images / Animals in the Wild
Role Reversal Sketch
Articles and Items of Interest
If You Give a Cluck, Go Vegan!
Why We Love Dogs, at Pigs, and Wear Cows: Understanding Carnism and Cultural Conditioning
The Birds of the Down Industry
The Emotional and Moral Lives of Animals
Can we please stop “listening to our bodies?”
GMO Foods: A Potentially Disastrous Distraction
Carriage Horse Owner Admits Lying to Public
Dairy company agrees to stop selling "overdrugged cows" to slaughterhouses
Remembering the Passenger Pigeon Recipes - Let No Animal Die That We May Live!
Smoothie with Banana Cantaloupe and Kale
Kale, Corn and Tomato Stew - Kenyan Style
Vegan Recipe Library
Regular Site Features
Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Vegan and Animal Rights Radio Shows and Podcasts
Video Library
The Mary T. & Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
Please visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others.
If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary