
farmed fish Meatonomics


Welcome to the Newsletter for November 14, 2013

 Good News for Animals

N.J. woman says deer carries arrow in its head as it wanders suburban New Jersey backyards - Good news Update
Introducing Bleating Hearts: The Hidden World of Animal Suffering
2013 Britches Award for White Coat Waste Project

 Action Alets

Get Text Alerts from All-Creatures
Tell USDA to Stop Turkey Roundup in Staten Island, New York
Protect Wild Animals from Hunters, Anglers and Trappers
Tell Senator Boxer to save wild horses from slaughter
Urge 50 agriculture-college executives to end �animal science" curricula 

 Sermon and Blog

Bringing God�s Heavenly Will to Earth
All-Creatures Blog

 Stories and Poetry and Art

A Hunter's Poem
Who is the Newest Member of the Underfoot Family?
Cat Preparing for the New Dog

 Articles and Items of Interest

Animal Agriculture: The Real Inconvenient Truth
9 Things Everyone Should Know About Farmed Fish
Turkey Exploitation Image Gallery
Have a Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving and Know Real Gratitude
The Many Flavors of LGBTQ at VINE Sanctuary
Breeding Slavery: Why Veganism Should Be Considered a Feminist Issue
Will Horse-Drawn Carriages Really be Banned in NYC?
Bad advice: �Homework is for kids who don�t hunt�
No more Luv for Southwest Airlines: Whales are not free to move about in the oceans

Recipes - Let No Animal Die That We May Live!

Stuffed Pumpkin
Thanksgiving and Other Holiday Recipes
Vegan Recipe Library

 Regular Site Features

Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
Vegetarian/Vegan Pastors and Churches
Vegan and Animal Rights Radio Shows and Podcasts
Video Library

 The Mary T. & Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family FoundationPlease visit our web site, and refer your family, friends, and others.

If we REALLY want God to bless America and the earth, GO VEGAN!

In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
Thank you for visiting