Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
It is our hope that this footage will bolster your resolve to help end animal cruelty. We encourage you to share this information with others and also visit our Activism Section for information on what you can do to make the world a better place for animals and humans.
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(11:59) Many consumers are unaware of the ways animals are raised
and killed to stock our grocery stores. In the United States, there are
virtually no laws regulating the treatment of billions of animals on factory
farms, and these sensitive individuals pay the price for cheap meat with
misery-filled lives.
Compassion Over Killing's documentary exposes the broiler industry and its
disregard for animal welfare. 45 Days: The Life and Death of a Broiler
Chicken features investigative footage—from hatching and factory-farm life
to slaughter and packaging.
Produced by Compassion Over Killing.
best thing that you can do to help animals is to stop eating them.
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