Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
It is our hope that this footage will bolster your resolve to help end animal cruelty. We encourage you to share this information with others and also visit our Activism Section for information on what you can do to make the world a better place for animals and humans.
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(05:07) Pigs are shipped by truck from Canada to the Oakland, California area. They are then loaded onto shipping containers after 36 hours of transport. Seven days and 4,000 miles later, the pigs arrive in Honolulu Harbor. The temperature, the stress, the horrific conditions are as horrific as you can imagine. The screaming is unbearable. This is for the Hawaiian tourist industries determination to provide "traditional" luaus (pig roasts) for the million dollar industry. The "finished products" are labeled "Island" as if the animals had been raised in the Hawaiian Islands.
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