Video LibraryBrutality at Product-Testing Laboratory
Video Library - An Animal Rights Presentation from

Moo-ving people toward compassionate living

It is our hope that this footage will bolster your resolve to help end animal cruelty. We encourage you to share this information with others and also visit our Activism Section for information on what you can do to make the world a better place for animals and humans.

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[Ed. Note: VICTORY UPDATE July 8, 2011: Lab Animal Abusers Actually Sentenced.]

(05:47) PETA's 2010 undercover video exposes vicious treatment of dogs and cats and rabbits at Professional Laboratory and Research Services, Inc. (PLRS), Corapeake, North Carolina.

...When a cat fearfully clutched at the fencing with his claws, the worker jerked him off the fencing repeatedly, saying she hoped that the cat's nails had been ripped out...Laboratory workers appeared to despise the animals in their care—they yelled and cursed at cowering dogs and cats, calling them "asshole," "motherfuckers," and "bitch"; used pressure hoses to spray water—as well as bleach and other harsh chemicals—on them...dragged dogs through the facility who were too frightened to walk.... used "expired" sedatives prior to brutal "treatments"...[and on and on].

VICTORY! This video resulted in the lab being closed and the animals being adopted by decent humans. Read Victory for Animals Brutalized in North Carolina Lab!

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