Watch out for your cultural prejudices
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive
FROM Faye, Instagram: @snek.rake
February 2020
China is so fucked up...
- Did you know that in China, they have a whole festival where they
drive pilot whales to the shore and kill them in the water? Oh wait.
That's the Faroe Islands.
- Did you know that in China, they force feed geese until they get
cirrhosis so that they can eat their livers? Oh wait. That's France.
- Did you know that in China, they weaken, torment and torture otherwise
peaceful bulls so humans can "fight" them in crowded arenas? Oh wait.
That's Spain.
- Did you know that in China, they tie up a bull's testicles to drive him
mad and then ride him to see how long they can stay on without falling?
Oh wait! That's America.
- Did you know that in China, they trap coyotes in the wild and then
electrocute them and skin them alive so they can make trims for
expensive jackets? Oh wait, that's Canada.
- Did you know that in China, they force dogs to take part in races with a
high death rate, sometimes even giving them cocaine to enhance their
performance, and then they abandon, kill, or sell for meat those who
don't perform well enough? Oh wait. That's Ireland.
- Did you know that in China, they ride horses onto hazardous terrain to
have their starved hounds tear up wild foxes alive? Oh wait. That's
- Did you know that in China, they cram so many chickens together in big
hangars that they've come to cut off their beaks so they won't harm each
other from the intense stress? Wait, that's all over the "western"
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