We believe that, within contemporary Western culture, the adoption of a vegan lifestyle is a faithful Christian witness of God’s peaceable intentions for all creatures and His promised kingdom-to-come.
We believe in the Holy Trinity; the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and the
Holy Spirit who exist as one God now and forever as revealed in Holy
We believe the world is the Lord’s and that all flesh, humans and animals
alike, are a manifestation of God’s love, wisdom and goodness and intended
to give praise to their Creator.
We believe that, because God so loved the world, He sent His Word (logos) to
become flesh (sarx) so that, through His life, death and resurrection, all
things would be reconciled to Himself and peace restored to the whole of
creation at its completion.
We believe humanity’s call to exercise dominion should be modelled after
Christ’s example of lordship through service and the moral priority of the
most vulnerable.
We believe that, as disciples of Christ, we have a duty, as good shepherds,
to exercise compassion, care, mercy and, above all, love to all creatures.
We believe in witnessing, through daily practice, to the in-breaking
Messianic reign of the God who desires there to be peace between all His
creatures by living and eating without causing harm to animals
We believe that, within contemporary Western culture, the adoption of a
vegan lifestyle is a faithful Christian witness of God’s peaceable
intentions for all creatures and His promised kingdom-to-come.