With millions of Americans suffering from PTSD – and countless animals dying in vile and useless experiments - it is imperative that we take action now to reveal how terrorizing animals in the lab is absolutely the wrong way to fix this problem.
Read the ENTIRE STUDY HERE (PDF) - From Trauma to Treatment: Addressing the crisis in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
CAARE is excited to present our hard-hitting report “From Trauma to
Treatment: Addressing the crisis in treating Post-Traumatic Stress
In comprehensive detail we expose the shocking failures of PTSD research
involving animals and provide well-researched information on how to spare
the lives of millions of animals by providing effective,
scientifically-validated treatments to those who suffer from Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD)
CAARE is excited to present our hard-hitting report “From Trauma to
Treatment: Addressing the crisis in treating Post-Traumatic Stress
In comprehensive detail we expose the shocking failures of PTSD research
involving animals and provide well-researched information on how to spare
the lives of millions of animals by providing effective,
scientifically-validated treatments to those who suffer from Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD).
PTSD is one of the major public health crises of our time, affecting
millions of Americans and costing billions of dollars a year. Effective,
evidence-based behavioral therapies are recommended by mental health experts
yet more than 50% of patients never receive treatment.
Instead, far too much research wastes time, money and animals’ lives by
inflicting emotional and physical trauma on animals to study PTSD. In
addition to this terrible cruelty, CAARE’s report powerfully documents how
behavioral neuroscience experiments on animals consistently fail to
translate to humans over 90% of the time.
The publication of CAARE’s report marks the beginning of our campaign
Terror in the Lab, to end these useless, hideous experiments and focus PTSD
research on non-animal methods that are actually relevant to human health.
CAARE’s research has uncovered disturbing and barbaric experiments in which
researchers intentionally try to traumatize animals, including subjecting
them to simulated drownings and painful electric shocks.
Human-based methods for studying PTSD, such as non-invasive neuroimaging
techniques, not only avoid this unconscionable abuse, but provide far more
relevant insight into human trauma than animal experiments ever could.
As part of our campaign, CAARE will conduct legislative outreach to promote
funding for effective treatments and to reduce the number of
government-funded animal experiments for PTSD.
We won’t stop there. Our report will be disseminated widely to the public
as well as to the media. Importantly, we will investigate and call out
current animal experiments for PTSD and mobilize our thousands of supporters
to take action to end them.
CAARE’s report and campaign will bring to the forefront the immense failure
and cruelty of animal experiments for PTSD research, while advocating for
greater access and superior research methods for human patients.
With millions of Americans suffering from PTSD – and countless animals dying in vile and useless experiments - it is imperative that we take action now to reveal how terrorizing animals in the lab is absolutely the wrong way to fix this problem.
Read the ENTIRE STUDY HERE (PDF) - From Trauma to Treatment: Addressing the crisis in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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