Similar to the ban on bullhooks used on elephants which resulted in circuses no longer scheduling shows, banning these torture devices will result in rodeos not scheduling events in Los Angeles. Without these torture devices, the Animals cannot be forced to 'perform' in certain ways.
Los Angeles City CouncilMembers approved a Motion, File
20-1575,to ban the use of inhumane implements in rodeos and rodeo
events. The Motion requests the City Attorney draft and present an
Ordinance. LCA will keep you updated on the next movements of this
Motion. L.A. residents can help by reaching out to their Council
Member and letting them know you support the Rodeo Inhumane
Implements Ban. Join the fight - information below. (While this is
Motion is not an outright ban of Rodeos, it is a big step in the
right direction. Rodeos will find it very difficult to hold an event
without the tools they use to control the animals.)
Call / email / write your local Council
Member to express support for
a Municipal rodeo inhumane implements ban in the City of Los
Sample Correspondence
Dear CouncilMember:
I am (writing / calling / emailing) to express my support of the
rodeo inhumane implements ban in the City of Los Angeles. Rodeos are
disturbing spectacles of animal cruelty that inflict tremendous
suffering on animals forced to perform in this "sport".
Animals used in rodeo performances undergo extreme abuse to make
them perform. This includes shocking their bodies with electric
prods, jabbing their bodies with sticks, and forcing animals to wear
"flank straps", which are straps secured so tightly around their
abdomens it causes pain and forces them to buck.
The City of Los Angeles has always taken a forward approach to
protecting animals. I urge you to take a stance against animal
cruelty by voting in favor of enacting a rodeo inhumane implements
ban in the City of Los Angeles.
(Your Name)